FUCKED UP play MTV’s men’s room

scary punk mosh stampede ensues (i’m a square i guess).

apparently moshing was banned after the last time they played mtv and destroyed the bathroom, ha guess that rule really stuck. i was trying to capture what was going on inside there as fil was in the middle of all that, i had my fingers jammed in my mouth like dorothy when the wicked witch mocks her saying aunti em aunti em at her and she’s held captive. the motorcycle in the entry of the door was shoved right into the room and over-turned. i think this just turned me on to country.

more footage here, i broke between vids to take some crowd pics. this one is cut short cos the barricade was shoved into my purse, fil’s camera bag and extra lense, i jammed my finger into the belly of a security dude to pull it aside for me while i bent over to retrieve and move the shit all the while some fucking doofus was stomp moshing sex pistoling all over the place and people were shove dancing into me my hipbone was slammed into the metal barricade, feh.

one of the ring leader’s they were trying to toss out stood cowardly in the middle of bodies and said well i thought this was a punk show? i had a serious adrenaline surge go through me i wanted to box his fucking head. yeah it is you dick but clearly it’s a wee out of hand. tons of tiny chicks were being thrown around, seemed to like it, stupid.

i’m bringin’ mania back

ladies, there’s a new ardene in yorkville and there’s a promotional big ass sale going on right now. i got 5 pairs of socks for ten bones and two tights for ten. i was the only one in there last nite aside from the LOUD TALKING SPANISH INTO THE PHONE CHICK SO LOUD I COULD NOT DECIDE ON WHAT SOCKS TO CHOOSE. it was so rude, i shot her a few looks, didn’t get the hint, then rests down the phone as i pay and gets back on it the second she hands me my change back to loud chit chat laughing.

stopdie and cadence weapon played lee’s last nite.

my fave jew and bipolar hero extraordinaire dropped by, asked me about this movie i was in (wasn’t)(cos i wasn’t informed that i had an integral role in it until after the fact)(like, i was the cool person that the loser reads the blog of and idolizes and then i show up at an art show and they flip out) that he wanted the role for but they denied him did i remember that right? anyway, dudes, next time be more clear don’t be vague and make me think i’m only bg, having me written into the script is kind of important info and email me if it’s not too late to try this again.


my old roommate lucas is stop die yeah yeah you know the story, he’s married now.

went over to kilgour’s for a snack, i realized there’s music nite tonite part 2 and got instantly crabby about it, if we have to do this two nites in a row then we are not sticking around for this other act but maybe after we eat/drink we can stick our heads in and see what’s going on. good idea me.

drunken scrabble game taking place behind fil, dude could barely keep his eyes open, lady was older and embarrassed, paid the tab for him, tried to take away his pint and he growled whined all surly, she stormed out ahead while he swayed and tried to finish the pint to save face then left with the glass being 1/3 full still. it’s not exactly storming out when you are waiting patiently at the bottom of the outside stairs for your drunken lout of a bf. poor woman, though who hasn’t been there on either side of the coin, am i right? ps. i am perfect.

spanakopita and side caesar even though i ordered the greek side salad, ate it anyway, siiiiiigh. our server was too nice for me to send it back.

kilgour’s burgs are to die for.

the girl behind me was cackling way too fucking much for my PMS so we moved closer to the drunk scrabble game all squished in there.

went back to lee’s for cadence weapon and i am glad we did.

fil commented that it was a very white crowd for hip hop.

shirt discount thanks lucas even though i said he should be paying ME to freely advertise.

family portrait time.



if you don’t know who fucked up are check ‘em here or here.

see the lighter fluid?

look it’s daryn jones and guess what? he recognized me and said hey you’re raymi i read your blog all the time, he even recognized fil. egosplosion. daryn interview me dude!

sink fire practice.

aftermath. we were given a head’s up about the impending destruction but were told to keep mum. no prob just let me get out of the way. i have some great footage of the mtv heads flippin’ the fuck out over it. a motorcycle was trashed, gas fumes everywhere, fires being lit, ceiling tiles mangled people punched kicked shoved moshed danced on. i was scurred fil’s body would come out in bloody pieces.

all these kids rushed the teeny men’s bathroom where the band was set up and were to perform 3 songs. they got through one and the plug was pulled. i am so glad i chose to stay outside.


fil was up on that amp on the right i think. once the band fired up i swear it a fucking stampede went through. i’ll show you video tomorrow as i have another muuuusic thing to attend. for now here is some more fall cheese for you.

aw wendi gave me this at my show, it’s from the first concert we all attended together (well not including the kooks that we went to right after the nxne steamwhistle party whoops) so cute of her.

fall walk tan time bikini lines

i pretty much have lost my summer tan. i have decided i’d like some tan lines, i have to start at the beginning all over again, no super bed for me yet.

look see, even jesus wants me to have a tan!

check the dude in the shorts.

i think this will be the first year i break and buy some pumpkins for the balcony.

o’tai back to “work”.

eat your heart out Kevin McCallister

if you tire of the beautiful scenery, my beautiful face comes into the shot about 40 seconds left. guess what IT’S WORTH IT.

i will not apologize for the following…

hangover cheese pizza saved my life yesterday. fil has chicken bacon and broccoli on his. mine was better AND regular crust, no whole wheat multi grain this time. now i want to watch home alone.