movie stills from when i was a burlesque dancer in a movie i haven’t even seen yet.
girl stalkers are the worst.
i can masturbate to babel.
don’t lie to me it’s fucking amway i know it!
this movie sucked.
i am Imyar McJew.
oh and then we watched the pink panther and i laughed louder and harder than everyone else and fil was embarrassed.
pitt came into town last nite many stupid things happened
raymi: ok no i won’t shit my pants but i mite
fine i will remember this
now i am depressed for that guy looking like clay aiken more than that guy maybe BEING clay aiken.
praying is selfish.
oh and then he drove to ottawa and marched into CSIS and wigged out then got formed.
even tykes dig the minx!
when i got my new camera.
waited for death to take me but then i ran out of chips and had to go downstairs in the dark to get more because eating chips can save your life.
oh yeah
that guy who “reviewed” your blog
how come anytime anyone “stumbles” onto your blog, (they never know how they got there) They always try so hard to sound non-chalant about it. “I guess she’s some kind of this or that…” they’re never committed or say, “this blog is great, and here’s why.” It’s always, “For some strange reason I can’t turn away.”
my bruised ass
fuck the duke, nerd blog party.
me: lots of drinking
me and fil discuss jambalaya
me: i am wearing a practise outfit
i am practising wearing it to see if it is sufficient to wear out in public
i was trying get some cool people show up cos we were trapped in a nerd vortex and needed help
it is good i am the last person to see it so what i say doesn’t even matter anyway.
me: your feces do not help the planet
curious george boots party of one.
me: you are being a controlling misogynist all yer “loveswomen” philogynist nonsense is a total lie and i am exposing it
me and xenia are friends.
sloppy gin nite
shoe museum party
last nite i watched parts of madonna’s confessions tour and holy crap it is going to change my life i decided i am going to have a dancer’s body again and i am going to achieve this without walking into a gym.
you could also say the pistol they carry is symbolic why i don’t know or care cos everytime it is mentioned i get scared because that means something dangerous is happening or about to happen.
i totally have some catty things to say about a couple other bloggers but i think i will hold back the bullshit for once in my life.
fil got a new camera and the fights have already begun.
haha diner’s club who are you fil, steve martin in plains, trains, and automobiles?
fil’s new job is to take my picture he said he is going to get rich and famous off my body, he probably will.
what else is new?
ok we cant talk about food anymore.
samir burned those tights with a cigarette.
in case you forgot how sad, pervy, lame, pathetic, and desperate men are i give you teddy babes
i just realised that it is march break and i was on the toilet evacuating my hangover bowels and then i thought KIDS ARE ON VACATION RIGHT NOW AS IN AT A PARK OR PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND HANGING OUT AT THE MALL THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES!
the departed review.
white people love to recycle.
Phil: you should get into drinking tomato juice for a high
i love kirsten dunst LEAVE HER ALONE PEREZ HILTON!
too bad there wasn’t internet back then i would have written on my marie antoinette blog YOU ARE ALL COCK-LICKING LIARS I DID NOT SAY LET THEM EAT CAKE THAT IS THE LAMEST ZING EVER!
man if i was in the bath right now i would have to sit very still so they couldnt hear the water
i canNOT fucking believe merkley got to play the canadian card to be profiled by cbc’s the hour when he DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT PEAMEAL BACON IS!
i would totally murder someone for that sandwich right now.
merkley???: got this email from a 16 year old today
u r such a mother fucker!!!!!!!!! how could u hate horses u r a cheap ass hoe who does not know his ass from his head you probably dont even have a brain you cheap ass mother fucker fuck you up ur fucking ass you ass whole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP charlie the cat
irish you a happy st. patrick’s day
more like PARTYSON’S!