i loved these two (there was another one partying around) i even felt nervous/anxious that maybe they would come near me and do their little dance and i chickened out of having my picture taken with them too. i have a video i’ll put up later.
<3 blonde redhead!
how many chicks are going to copy that outfit? she had these dreamy stripper junky dance moves too sigh. video later.
$6 each, dry hamburger it was very hard to get down.
bumped into pierre.
i won. against fil too, though i was on easy and he was doing medium and couldn’t figure out why i was killing him.
i tried to hoist myself up on the table but it would have pitched back, not worth it.
i partied in those for a little while, i planned to walk with them over to the smaller stage to catch editors while simultaneously smuggling out my rum and coke, too dangerous a mission like hey what is that oh you are a drunken retard with bud cans on your shoes awesome please leave now.
oh look the fun police!
refresh blog if you don’t see the comments link below and it should appear.
they wanted their band to be called WEED but that didn’t go over well with being booked gigs and in general, so they called themselves swede instead. my mom’s brother sang with them the show before this one, he was/is mega into jesus christ superstar, he used to make my mom sing all the girl parts to the record and re-inact it. he isn’t even religious.
t-shirt change, this is at a church. doesn’t the guy beside him look like michael jackson!
i got that in barrie when touring with matt – it’s a vintage teen pop magazine or something.
my grandmother’s dad. he was a headmaster and during WWII his school was bombed while in it, it blasted him out of a window and he survived.
dad and brother.
dinner at randy’s.
the tuna was amazing.
you know when people are like have seconds go ahead and you have to pretend you aren’t a fat selfish greedy slob with no self-control? and be like oh no no i’m so full thanks i couldn’t possibly…then when no one is looking EAT EVERYTHING. no, just me? anyway looking at these makes me crazy hungry. it would be funny if i said when we left we went to burger king drive thru. i haven’t had fast food in ages and i never will again, your body eventually doesn’t miss it anymore.
rocky is the cutest cat in the world i can’t get over it.
Dramatic, existential blathering
Dear Raymi (ha)
Last night, after drinking way too much tequila, I came home, got depressed, and wrote the following myspace blog (which I promptly deleted):
Are you crazy to want this even for a while?
My eyeballs will be nothing. My hair will be nothing. The dark circles under my eyes will be nothing. My nose, my freckles, my moles, my veins, my warped finger, my flaws, my perfections will be nothing. No one will know I’ve done anything, just like I don’t know that anyone else has done anything.
Maybe I need to find god.
This morning, I was roaming around the internet and checked your blog… your heading (is it a heading??) “every little piece of your life will mean something to someone” immediately jumped out at me and is a perfect response to my poorly articulated feelings of futility, etc. And certainly you meant it as a response to me. So anyway, you probably know how far-reaching your words are. This was an awesome start to my day… seriously. Got me out of the funk of last night. Sobering up helped as well.
oh so darling that is a lyric from an editors song called weight of the world you should get their album they sound like british interpol all the lyrics are meaningful deep emo touching and make you sigh a lot i am going to blog your email
sharpie went all out and bought champagne sorry flosser! also wore the best shirt i have ever seen in my life and stupidly did not get a proper picture of.
the people over fil’s right shadowy shoulder left w/o paying for their food or anything! assholes. yorkville was balls mental last night everyone so desperate for a glance of celebrity searching your face all over and smiling up at you hello i am NO ONE don’t look at me!
should have taken that with a flash i love disco wall. this is at remy’s.
samir and sharpie went off to the schmoozefest once his short played, fil and i ducked out of the feature twenty minutes in it kind of blew i dunno, i mean, it was alright but not for when you are half-cocked and wanting to go friday nite party.
before all that we made dinner.
best dressing yet, and w/o eggs too.
cid helps by fucking off.
did you get a load of that crazy wind yesterday?!! i didn’t wash my hair, it was totally destroyed.
mmm i’m thirsty.
i went to roots on bloor to give a sound/videobyte for flickoff.org for ian and sean and then this crazy student march went by like thousands of kids and seeing the camera made them even more crazy.
looks like i’m painting over my pete doherty painting, here he is forcing a cat to smoke crack with a homemade pipe! fil said he would kill him with his bare hands. not before i stab him a hundred times in the face!
ugly piece of shit loser scum dick bastard fucking OD for good already talent waster.