children of men is pretty fucking alright.

immediately you know it is a classic, every character is amazing.

the future is a scary place if it is going to be like that. fil said if we were on the run during an uprising he would be holding cid like that immigrant lady was clutching her dog and he said he would knock him out to make him easier to deal with, probably the cuckooest shit fil has said lately. i offered well wouldn’t it be easier all around if you just set him free? nope. cid would have to be with him and with fil’s other hand he is holding my hand. this is an extremely practical way to avoid being shot i think.

that art scene is great, and the pink floyd floating pig and how the majority of the film clive owen is owning flip flops. it’s a chase thriller, and there are a ton of supes stressful parts shot in one take, very neat. michael caine is a pothead conspiracy-theorist living in the woods in the most amazing house ever, you will love it/him.

i thought clive owen’s character, theo, made being depressed, moody, and dis-enchanted pretty glamorous, totally swayed me, yeah.

i didn’t like the end it was sad and a bit cop-out, there could be a sequel yet the majority of the characters die so then what? it is not one of those sequel-type movies unfortunately.

watch the special features, they are important and special, and brilliant. we didn’t watch the first one about hope entirely cos fil got stressed, same reason we haven’t watched an inconvenient truth yet.

me: my next swimsuit ********

Sabrina: that will look cute as hell on you

me: or that one *******

Sabrina: i like the first one better

me: yeah i think the back is more do-able

Sabrina: yea

me: hides love handles better
and the front is retardedly slutty

Sabrina: hahahaha

me: like kool-aid stand slutty
and everyone is made to be super uncomfortable around you

Sabrina: you would have to wear that in bright red with roller skates
that would be hot

me: burgundy or poppy
or both

Sabrina: yes

me: i am already picturing myself jumping on a trampoline with my hair long and i am smiling and looking down

Sabrina: hahaha

me: wearing the poppy one
burgundy one i am leaning against a fence
i dont know if i am smiling
i dont think i smile in the burgundy one

Sabrina: it reminds me of that bathing suit farah fawcett wore in that famous poster

me: ya


christ raymi, i was just trolling your comments, it never stops. what is it with the posturing? it seems that people feel inclined to take harsh stances, either for or against, in these synthetic communities, just digging their heels in and making their presence felt… but what is their presence?… i thought that blogging was supposed to be about sharing the things that stem from your life, providing entertainment, in a variety of styles… but the way that people act in comments and with the between blog bickering it would seem that the blog arena becomes an important part of their life… that is hard for me to accept… how can non-physical share-space become a big part of a person’s life? at least big enough to engage in stealing styles and attempting to bandy words with such fervor, and it is such gay fervor too, it is laced with sarcasm and a feigned indifference, obviously everyone gives a major shit or they would be silent…god damn, people need more physical contact, we need to deal with mannerisms and smells, we need to deal with ‘right here, right now’ awkwardness… get knocked down a few pegs when we get all self-conscious and sweaty in a mall… fuck. a bunch of no-pressure computer world degenerates. all of us. revolution?

i am going to beat this drum to death.

maybe i should just figure it out and stop being a word monger… but i am genuinely disturbed by all this.


i would like to post this but it would cause major major hell
you are right
people live vicariously through me i guess i am reliable so they stick around my parts?
what do you think it could be

i think its loneliness, and an easy way to feel as though they are a part of something. it is pretty ridiculous but it may in fact be an issue of reliability. they can be sure that you won’t abandon your own creation and they use the aspect of comments and the “community” to stay in your realm of discussion… so their boring bicker shit can maintain a “live” and recognized status through you, because they can’t pull it off on their own. fuck that is lame.

i am fine with criticism and battling in general… but as i said in my initial marathon email… when it comes to criticizing an established entertainment style, trying to criticize the person that has the readers and the audience that the critic has chosen to flex in front of… there really isn’t a leg to stand on.

yeah i agree
lately ive bene in the middle of some blog wars with some of these folk
after a year of their shit and copying me i retaliated and they are all super shocked and depressed ungh

i just liked what you said re: pretend indifference when it’s obvs this is very important to them

I think this chunk of my analysis should end with a metaphor.

the feeling that one of these passive aggressive blog adversaries gets when their comment/insult made against you falls limp, poorly received, with no impact… is something akin to the feeling one might get after being walked in on upon while masturbating with a belt around the neck and apple sauce smeared all over the chest… it is the sort of moment in which the person realizes they are completely fucked, and caught, they know that what they have done is inescapable, so chaos ensues, there is just an incredible flailing attempt to escape being seen and then a subsequent scramble to recover by whatever means necessary after the belt and the boner are out of the picture… it can start with excuses, taking some sort of a defensive position, whatever is necessary to escape the reality of the extremely awkward and ridiculous course of action that the individual chose to take.

the entire phenomenon is simply explained and yet i spend lengthy emails pontificating on the issue…
some people are blowhards that have no commendable style of their own… so they engage in their semi-confrontational posturing and try to piggy back on other more stylish and talented people… the blog world dynamic is the same as most other societal dynamics… some people have talent… and other people try to do what the talented people do but fail, and end up in an envious state which lead them to criticize in their bitterness…

and my metaphor works even better than i thought… these passive aggressive people that are shit talking you are like sexually unsuccessful hermit people that are deep in the throws of not having sex… they have to resort to abstract masturbation tactics to fend off the pangs of their utter lack of fulfillment… and when they get caught in the deed they are forced to feel that much worse about their plight… because now their strange behavior, the epitome of their lack of success, is out in the open. from that point on their character flaw is exposed.

it is that simple… in most of these case… you have the situation that the shit talkers wish that they had,,, and they are just shooting off their bitter tits in some sort of attempt to gain ground.

so, i need to stop wasting my time investigating these unchanging brute social realities … and by extension stop wasting your time by ranting at you about it.

it is time for a break from the world of internet posturing… i’m getting body aches thinking about all this bullshit.

i’m really just a music lover at heart,


speaking of lame comments, more fun to be had here.

Dear Raymi,

(i am not a stalker)

I am extremely troubled by this reoccurring dream I am having in which I am eating whatever the latest dish you are blogging about.

I am sorry to bug you but I just (well not just it was about three hours ago) ingested a bunch of E and felt compelled to tell you the statement above.

I think people generally suck except for me, that is why I dig you blog.

Thanks for turning me onto Naughty James, he is the reason I am going to art school at age 21.

Forever Grateful,

we are doing a family joint birthday thing tonite (my brother’s birthday is april 10) we are doing dinner and then bowling. i have to get my brother something, maybe some cheesy playing cards, he is gamblor, do you know where i could find some? he will probably get me nothing, or scratch tickets or upon seeing my gift for him feel guilted then give me twenty dollars. i think i will practise bowling on wii but i don’t want to weaken my arm though cos i haven’t played wii in weeks. i’m starving.


ps. i KNEW something good would come of listing past blog titles.

i’m doing that sneaky mariah carey pose where you angle your waist to the side a bit and dig your hand into your love handle. (she was NOT that skinny when that album came out so there is no chance in hell that cover wasn’t photoshopped also her other hand is tugging her left love handle back i am aware of that trick too nice try mimi!) it also helps to wear a curtain dress that billows around your waist.

i am going to build a time machine so i can go back in time and eat that again.

easter cid

indoor shoes

mere moments before i smashed the half pint all over myself table and floor 1. i was NOT drunk i had only 1/5 of it! 2. the waitress took our bill and was like i will be back with change and i said no that’s fine keep it all and waved my hand right into the flute 3. i had just finished telling fil that he was gonna have to drink my beer i was not feeling it.

fil has big eyeballs.

happy easter stigmata i love the JC so much i shoved glass into my hand after smashing a half pint glass. a tiny shard was on my hand and when we went to leave i pushed the door open shoving the shard into my hand, it was neat.

shitty sleep last nite the theme song from that playboy bunnies show was stuck in my head all nite long COME ON TO MY HOUSE bla blah and then i obsessed about being a bunny and not skinny enough aside i don’t think i would fair cos i have this red thing growing on my shoulder, i should have it looked at it’s probably a botfly hanging in there.


then i had scary dreams when i was finally able to sleep.

i watched this show on slice called at the end of my leash it is about terrible dog owners who let their dogs get fat and don’t walk them the guy who came to help was really good at putting them in their places, he comes in the door and says wow that dog is big and the mom laughs and he goes you are laughing? why? i would be embarrassed and disgusted with myself.

you chose the dog, the dog didn’t choose you and you are killing it.

the teenage daughter’s excuse for not walking the dog was she has a social life don’t you understand that? and everyone was fine with it!! it’s not the dog’s fault you have a social life, fuck, i bet the dog would love to have a social life too but he doesn’t have that choice, take away the table scraps and walks and he is still fat and miserable chillin’ on the livingroom floor while you are out social lifing it up.

i don’t think i will ever be able to have children because they would be stuffed into suitcases and thrown into a fucking river if they begged for a dog and did nothing to care for it.

i will think of other things to complain about while i make espresso.