me: ok you know how you convinced me to get fil a bbq
well i did
and i bought 4 pc utensil set
and liter fluid
merkley???: cool
me: and i bartered into getting a 10% discount
everything came out to be 180$
and then i had to get him to come pick me up cos i couldnt carry it
merkley???: plus steaks
me: no steaks
so this dude helped me put it in the backseat
this was saturday
and so fil doesnt look back at it or anything
and then hes kinda guessing and then figures it out once i drop major hints
merkley???: shhesh
get control
me: then he says oh we arent allowed to have charcoal bbqs, cos of by-laws
me: !!
merkley???: oh
me: and so i cried like a baby all the way home in the car and up the stairs
and now we have to return everything and i am embarrassed and want to die
merkley???: and i’m watching curb your enthusiasm right now
and i feel like larry david
me: anyway i dont ever want to shop at that store again cos i was kinda being lippy to one dude
merkley???: awe
me: who was being all know it all meanwhile i knew everything he was saying
so i said to fil i am not returning it with him but i have to cos i have to help carry the charcoal and the utensils and the lighter fluid
so when fil walks in with it i am going to dump everything on the counter and then run away
merkley???: that
ha ha
me: and then avoid that entire block for the rest of my life
i should have just bought him a fucking rocket
merkley???: oops
me: so this entire day i have been scared and anxious and depressed because of that bbq
merkley???: it was your idea
i just supported you
me: yes but you talked me into it
you tricked me
ps you are not larry david
so dont tell me to get control
me: ooooh i just relaised that i dont have to go in to help fil return
i have to just watch the car
merkley???: nice
me: ha
the thing i am worried about tho u will appreciate this insignif thing seeing as u are a larry david fan now
i did not receive a 10% discount on the liter fluid i purchased it separately as an after-thought
and i also cockily chucked out the receipt for it
merkley???: and they will dick you on it
me: so i paid full price 4.55
well provided they even let him return it
merkley???: so gay about the bylaws
me: they will prolly give him a store-credit
now cos i am being a pussy about not returning it with him i will not be able to argue about four dollars and fifty five cents which i am bummed about
cos it’s the principle
merkley???: very larry david for sure
me: i hope he gets the same guy who was there who cashed me out
i think he was chinese
are chinese people notorious for their memories?
merkley???: nope
just slanty eyes
me: omg merkley
i am going to have to edit that out
merkley???: no way
its funny
me: well my part was funny you just jerked it up
merkley???: unless you actually hate asians which i suspect you might
you didnt even ha hahaha
you are blameless
its all on me
me: i have a massive asian obsession actually
merkley???: well they are fantastic drivers
me: also when i was there impulsively buying up the world to which they probably think i am a lunatic i was bragging about working at a hardware store, same company, diff location, for five years
well i politely mentioned it once