this being called a whore thing is pretty funny to me.

it reminds me of my first dance recital, when i was in grade four. we were lining up for the finale where we all get on stage in our 100 dollar ugmo spandex sequined costumes a la jon benet ramsey complete with whore make-up and hairsprayed hairdos, anyway like i said i was in grade four.

my jazz class/dance theme was TURKEY IN THE STRAW and our routine was danced to the song by the same name sung by sharon lois and bram (to you americans these people for some reason are really into hanging out with kids and forcing them into random bursts of communal singing, usually about bicycle streamers and garage sales and science projects and turkeys in straws, apparently) and of all the different classes/routines, ours had the ugliest fucking outfits that were the most unslutty, i will dig you up a photo one day, and because of this i felt slighted, all the other girls were wearing one-piece leotards and bikini type things with shortie shorts and we were wearing crappy blue overalls made from a table cloth and red/white checked shirts with red sequins around the collar and red ribbons in our pigtails.

capital GAY.

there was one particular group who were THE BARBIES, their theme was THE BARBIES and they were dressed as barbies, wearing exercise garbage circa 80s wtf?

anyway i was by myself standing behind them and i’m kind of in a daze cos that afternoon after the first performance during the lunch break between the second show, i was busting out some moves at a pub with my friend and my fist came into contact with a waitress and her overstacked tray and sent shit flying EVERYWHERE (in hindsight it is funny cos i drink at this bar now and fil worked there in 1998) so yeah i’m bumming from that and i’m all by myself cos a lot of dancers fuck off with their families and skip the finale so i’m stage right listening to these barbie girls shit-talk some other girl in their class. they are the same age as me and they declare that this one girl who had kissed 2 boys was a HOOKER and then the girl they were s-talking joins them and they gush all over her.

the “hooker” looked pretty innocent to me and was ten times prettier than the girls shit-bagging her and right then and there i realised that i will never be for real friends with girls and if i do i will never fucking trust them.

for the most part the bitches ignored me cos 1. i was dressed like a pile of white trash and 2. i was basically comatose standing up, leaning against the wall and picking at it (this community centre had this really weird wall material that if you pull off one weavy part you can pull out huge portions of it in one go and everyone fucking did it, it was the best). so these girls didn’t realise i had heard everything they said about the “hooker” girl and when we were called to hit the stage they looked back at me and it dawned on them that i knew, and they KNEW that i knew everything they said.

i raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips in a smug way and didn’t say anything.

i never forgot that moment when out of the one girl’s mouth she declared her friend was a hooker and i wanted to say you know, a hooker has sex for money and i highly doubt that your 9 year old friend does that, but i didn’t i was too dumbfounded by the audacity of this bitch’s conclusion and jealousy.

tune in tomorrow for when i go into long boring detail about how fil DOES NOT support me and i reference everyime i have already addressed this fact before I SWEAR I WANT TO KILL YOU FUCKERS YOU MAKE ME MENTAL.

last week i bought a nice christmassy package of white chocolate covered marshmallows, i know, yum. in theory. however, they were more like un-yum, not in theory. i don’t know what the hell i was thinking, one easter many moons ago i ate an entire white chocolate bunny and then vomitted all over the tv room carpet at my grandparents.

this is the part where i make a white supremacist joke.

anyway, i forced the kkk candies (hah) on fil and he brought them to work and left them on a co-worker’s desk. this dude always has candy and snacks and treats so all day long fil gets to spy on everyone snacking and makes little pie graphs and measures statistics on people’s habits. the white chocolate marshmallows are not a favourite and i am not surprised.

i gave fil half a bag of bbq fritos i purchased on a drunken whim a couple month’s back cos we were mindlessly ploughing through it and they weren’t very good and every time i put one in my mouth my thighs and ass multiplied by ten. the bag was finished by the end of the work day and fil had to listen to everyone’s crunching.

me: are the marshmallows gone yet

Phil: um…
no there are about a third left

me: ew
my stomache just rollercoastered

Phil: yes i am starving but even still i wont touch em

me: i want my 7.99 back

if you ever say that you like the UK version of the office better than the US version we cant be friends anymore

never saw it tho according to fil im suppose to like it better than the US

merkley???: thats why i try not to be friends with fil because i want to like him for your sake

me: dude im canadian, british descent, it’s ingrained and predetermined that i will choose UK over US

merkley???: i’m canadian too

me: not really anymore

merkley???: but i’m not an insecure canadian like you

me: um im not insecure
do you mean insecure about being canadian OR insecure BECAUSE i am canadian

merkley???: maybe both
defend canada type shit
like there is a contest or something

me: canada continually gets slammed andfor no reason
and gets zero credit for when it does something, right, or doesit well

merkley???: untrue
thats what i am talking about

me: like oh that’s pretty good, for canada
i have a feeling im about to start caps lock typing at you so lets not talk about this
this arguement will go nowhere
and im not insecure regaring anything having to do with canadian

merkley???: that stuff only comes up when some asshole runs around flapping the maple leaf in your face talking shit about the US
anyway the US version of the off ice is fucking awesome — i just watched the first two seasons
its one of the few television shows that actually makes me laugh audibly

me: no canadian would wave their flag in an american’s face why bother

merkley???: i thought you were dropping it

me: well your comment got thru after i had nixed it
so i had to have the last word

merkley???: i’m sure you already saw this..
brit’s beav

me: ungh yes and i put it on my blog the day it came out
really merkley do you even know me anymore

merkley???: ha ha
sometimes i look at the rss feed and there are just too many posts so i get overwhelmed

me: oh well

merkley???: i’m like WHOA 20 entries
that doesnt mean i dont like your blog

me: fine

me: im going to post our convo
should i leave this out
” merkley???: thats why i try not to be friends with fil because i want to like him for your sake”

merkley???: i dont care

me: ok
leaving it

merkley???: its no secret

me: and if he asks illsay merkley brags about only hanging with girls
cos he is insecure
and doesnt know how to deal with men

merkley???: ha
and i just dont have interest in dudes
they bore me

me: its cos you feel inadequate

merkley???: but you should also add that i think you and fil are a great match

me: ok

merkley???: bullshit its because i have no interest in sports
or talking about how long it took me to grow my beard

me: um thats not what all men talk about and if they do i tune them out until they are finished and then we talk about cervixes
HAHa i can see fil asking you that

merkley???: or answering questions about how many of the chicks i photograph i bang
or how i get them all to take their clothes off

me: fil wouldnt ask you that but i would
well no i wouldnt cos i dont actually care

merkley???: here is my impression of a dude
dude, that beard kicks ass!
so how many of those chicks do you bang?

me: oh whatever you love the attention

merkley???: NINERS!!!

me: who are the niners
oh san francisco

merkley???: actually i get derpessed about it

me: dude no one fucking cares about san fransisco
well you pigeon holed yerself
how manytimes do you think i hear shit about my tits like its something new

merkley???: why are you such a dick today?

me: im not a dick am i?
i didnt know you were so sensitive

merkley???: i probably started it

me: yeah you did

merkley???: not really but whatever
you spoke as a canadian instead of as an individual raymi and i had to set you straight

me: O
that is what my mouth looks like right now
i do not have the time nor the patience to address this right now

as was expected re: my win, a lot of bitter pieces of shit are coming out of the woodwork. i will restate what i posted on my blog when i decided to finally bring back comments last year, don’t bother leaving me negative jealous comments, seriously, don’t waste my and your time, that’s just sad, i will not publish your comments nor will i acknowledge them.

i don’t know why you feel it necessary to visit some girl’s webpage and give her a piece of your mind, really, how little are you? you’re coming here with the intent to make me feel bad, who even does that? would you go to mcdonald’s and tell one of the cashiers they are contributing to the cruel slaughtering of cows and all that? i find you to be ridiculous and incredibly pathetic.

Neil says: haha
when people care enough to diss you – youve made progress

Canadian Blog Awards


anyway i beat everyone, i beat out tallnlucky for best blog and i hope she will still like me and i beat out rick mercer for best humour blog whom i am certain would destroy me fully had he mentioned this blog awards thing at least once HOWEVER i saw him doing some political bullshit on the tv the other day (the tv, how white trash does that sound I LOVE YOU THE WORD THE) and i screamed NOW THAT IS WHY YOU ARE LOSING TO ME YOU PAUPER, YOU SPEND ALL YOUR TIME ON TV NOT ON THE INTERNET HOW DARE YOU EVEN RUN AGAINST ME.

i also swept the fucking floor for best personal blog holy shit 6 years everyone is a mongoloid triple stamped and double stamped it for even thinking they had a chance to take that title from me, no offense you are all boring and yes this is the drink talking this is why i don’t blog past 8pm.

hurray i get to not NOT blog tomorrow and once i come up with an idear for a blog contest i will let you know for the signed copy of marketable depression and i know i said this last year and the contest was for someone to come up with the best business card design for me and they were all garbage, sorry, i take the blame for it cos i failed to clarify that i wanted something professional looking not something out of toy story.

anyway you will have to wait for the book til i get back from new york city, i plan to bring it with me to show at customs for when they ask what i do to assuage my travelling anxieties i figure it’ll help seeing as the first sentence states I AM FUCKING CRAZY AND I DRINK A LOT AND I WISH I WERE DEAD ALL THE TIME…





last nite at gabby’s there was a teen party going on downstairs, it was hilarious to watch on the surveillance camera at the upstairs bar, as the nite progressed we saw humping and fighting, drinking, white kids thinking they are from harlem dancing, chicken wings chowing down and so i go down to use the toilet and these two black girls are in there, i dunno if they were in this group or were just irritated by the party or what but i walk in and initially they are speaking english and then they quickly switch to their native tongue when i go in and are chattering aggressively and i KNOW they are talking about me assuming i’m a party teen or something, i go to the middle stall but there is piss all over it then i go to the one on the left and once my pants are off and my ass is about to hit the seat the girls flick the light switch off and on a few times while they are laughing and then they flick it off and LEAVE ME IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM IN THE DARK and i am just about to enjoy the release of my bladder so i have to snap it off, pull up my pants and go turn the light back on those fucking CUNTS so i turn it back on and open the bathroom door and those girls were gone either up the stairs or somewhere in that party room, so i pee then go up to fil there is no way i am going to go in that room of raging hormones fuck that.

i join fil and begin to tell him about the girls and when i get to the part where i know they are talking about me fil cuts me off and says HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? which really pissed me off cos fil never fucking believes me when i say oh that girl gave me cut-eye or that guy is leering at me or those people are POINTING AT ME and talking about me, he thinks i have a persecution complex.

so i say well i know they were talking about me cos they were laughing AND THEN THEY TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS ON ME AND LEFT THE FUCKING BATHROOM HOLY SHIT.

guys for the most part i have come to realise are pretty much in the dark regarding girl prejudice, which simply put, is the cunty bitch vibe that ladies dish out specially for other ladies, psychological warfare, and yes it is real because bitches are crazy and typically hate one another.

so the next time i get cut-eye and tell fil about it and if he doesn’t believe me i will set him on fire like ok fil you are right i just imagined that every second or third person we passed going to the theatre checked me out my ego is that inflated yes YOU are right those eyeballs I MADE EYE CONTACT WITH were actually looking THROUGH MY HEAD TO THE TREE BEHIND IT my mistake so sorry.

this one wigger fuck had the nerve to lean over the bar and grab a bottle of vodka and luckily one of the bartenders caught him and threw him out cos drunk bravery instantly boiled through my veins left over from those bathroom cunts and being surrounded by under-agers for two hours.