Monthly Archives: October 2006
Hey raymi. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, and it is not just because of the boob pics. I have depression and sever social anxiety that has kept me inside my house for about 4 years now. Its sad, but the Internet is my life and you are a no bullshit light in this cyber world for me.
I love how you speak your mind with no apologies.
I have a blog as well if you want to check it out It is not the greatest, but I try.
I am always looking for friends online and would like to invite you into my world.
I know you get a million emails a day, but I just wanted to say hello and hopefully correspond with you sometime.
Stay smart, crazy and beautiful.
Bubba Nosferatu
last nite was the gongiest of shows i’m sort of waiting for others to blog about it first as a guide to know what i can and cannot say.
oh i just remembered a crucial and essential part of my david letterman fantasy – at one point he says to me that i am very smart and i say THEY KEEP TELLING ME THAT! or say THEY KEEP SAYING THAT. i can’t decide which is most effective and of course i say it in this totally casual and modest way and then paul schaffer and i talk about mississauga for a little while.
did you know that crucial and essential, basically mean the same thing and yet in the dictionary neither word is used to describe the other’s meaning? kind of like two mirros facing each other but not.
oh grass is green too.
someone in fil’s comments said i am canada’s jessica simpson and i have a feeling it’s not cos of my singing voice.
marketable depression by me i dropped the price down to $15.95 so if you haven’t read it yet or own it or bought it for your loser sister with bipolar disorder, bad credit, and no credit card NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
ps. today/tonite is pitt‘s stag and by now he should be a thousand per cent wasted we’re gonna catch him halfway between pub/rippers fil wants to be driveable so we are taking our time, well, i am by default anyway. my period isn’t too far on the horizon either kids! good to know!
pitt said stags are super secret so i can’t bring the camera oh yeah right pitt like it’s a secret you are blotto right now and there’ll be total retardation happening? guys are retarded.
oh and if you have an hour or two to waste and be pathetic during why not play with these star dolls – i am too stupid to know how to save mine so yeah feel free to tutorial me. aha i made bow wow have no pants.