i had an MRI this time for my spine cos of those body numbness tingles i get, i’ve had one before for my brain and saw a neurologist and so from those tests they haven’t found any white cells which is good and so this was just one more test to see if there’s anything and that’s it. i am thinking it’s my anti-depressants and drinking that does it to me though you never know. last nite was sober nite 2006 wot!

i had an mri today and i fell asleep in the machine despite the ratta ratta tat TAT TAT machine gun noises it makes. that’s why i haven’t bloooogged. sorry gays. they didn’t have to inject me with the radioactive dye cos the pictures came out clear enough. i’m fuckin’ tired. i’m simmering chicken korma right now and fil is on the couch and we are going to spend the next few hours fighting over television. i wanted to get a new board game and fil is like MORE LIKE BORED GAME. i bet if i snuck out and got the lord of the rings trivial pursuit he would be all about it.

here is an excerpt from the book i am working on now:

I am going to make a movie about rogue bicycles that come alive at night and wreak havoc on the city of Toronto and cause lots of crime and destruction then come daylight hours they settle back to where they were locked up and the city is all confused as to how and why the fuck Toronto is all trashed every morning and who is doing it and the main character who wears a grey, zippered hoodie has this vintage, silver BMX that has the capability to come alive during daylight hours and they communicate via telepathy and the BMX tells him that the bikes are behind all this crime so he tells the mayor and alerts the press but they just think he is crazy ‘cos he can’t prove the telepathic communications like he’s riding on his bike in front of the mayor and screaming SEE WE ARE TALKING RIGHT NOW! But all the mayor sees is this dude riding around in circles in front of city hall and then he sends the police after him to lock him up but he gets away and spends the rest of the movie fleeing from the cops and eventually the bikes go mental on civilians and so turns out he was telling the truth and then they have to bring in the military and it’s pretty much what Terminator 4 will be like when it comes out except man against bicycle.

Fucking awesome, I know.

Jamie says:

why don’t you like AIM?

raymi says:

cos i dont know anything about it

raymi says:

and i am not american

Jamie says:


Jamie says:

what’s that have to do with it

raymi says:

america online

raymi says:


Jamie says:


Jamie says:


Jamie says:

so it’s a protest is it?

raymi says:


raymi says:

more like GAY O L

Jamie says:


raymi says:

total burn

Jamie says:

bill gates is the richest american ever

Jamie says:

U S A! U S A!

raymi says:

yeah well he wears glasses

raymi says:


raymi says:

so canada is better

raymi says:


Jamie says:

i won’t argue

raymi says:

i wanted to argue with you

Jamie says:

oh okay, well, if you really want to go there

raymi says:


Jamie says:

i can’t wait until america puts up a big fence at the canadian border

raymi says:

are they really going to do that

Jamie says:

then we’ll see who’s boss

raymi says:

well good luck getting fresh water

Jamie says:

they are talking about doing it in mexico

Jamie says:

but not canada

raymi says:

oh right

raymi says:

well then who is going to make all your food at your fancy williamsburg divebars?

Jamie says:

college kids

i am fully awake.

i am going to go on a juice-tour today because there are ten different juices and i am going to make them all and drink them all until i sweat juice.

we went out for drinks to our local and i got ripped and sang come together and do you want to (franz) and i was totally rocking out to the five people watching and when i was singing come together i screamed at these yuppie guys to shut the fuck up I’M SINGING RIGHT NOW BLEEEARGH! and right before my song started the karaoke guy said that i was psycho and i said I AM NOT PSYCHO but then i screamed at those yuppies so i am like oh ok i guess i am a little bit.

i finished jPod. it kind of makes me angry at coupland how he makes himself out to be an asshole in it and all smarmy i dunno, probably the reaction he was hoping for but it kind of reminds me of those girls who wear shirts with BITCH written on them or BABY or SPOILED etc – here is a word i want to be associated with and i want you to know that i know that you know that i am a bitch and to avoid any and all confusion here look at my shirt.
