free hit counter

Mike says:

where the fuck is your friend jeff

raymi says:

he is not my friend he is my arch enemy jeffosidius from planet firwux

Mike says:

weren’t you like 1 years old when Kiss broke up?

raymi says:

i have been sent ten trillion lightyears into the past here, an obscene amount of lightyears behind to battle him to the death

raymi says:

kiss, pardon me but i do not understand what that word is

Mike says:

the shirt you are wearing in your picture

Mike says:


Mike says:

rock band

Mike says:

from America

Mike says:

you are not from the future

Mike says:

you are from Ontario

raymi says:

the t-shirt of which you refer to is merely the symbol for this place
raymi says:

it has zero affiliations to this “kiss”

Mike says:

fair enough

raymi says:

one day 8 years ago i shot thee jeffosidius with a quadruple laser beam fargonaut, you know that scar on his stomache in the shape of fecal matter? that was me.

Mike says:

good work

Mike says:

he has it coming

raymi says:

do you have any advice

Mike says:


raymi says:


Mike says:

i’d say go for it

Mike says:

i mean why not

Mike says:

if you end up having to kill someone its just part of the process

raymi says:

my planet kylix and his have a deep conflict between us

raymi says:

an ancient grudge

raymi says:

his planet firwux has tried many a time to steal our precious griz root and waged war on my planet to retrieve it

Mike says:

he must be destroyed at all costs

raymi says:

jeffosidius’ people are not very bright

raymi says:

they used up their resources all too soon

Mike says:

they are good for slave labor

raymi says:

soon they will be out of tinklin spirits

raymi says:

jeffosidius is part of the herti species

raymi says:

they seek to impregnate the women of my planet

raymi says:

so as to bare claim to the griz root

raymi says:


Mike says:

your transponder is out of alignment

raymi says:

i fear i will not be able to return to kylix

Mike says:


raymi says:

so for the time being i am adapting to earth life

raymi says:

while here i must carry out my one destiny in life

Mike says:

i reccommend the chicken kiev

raymi says:

that is to kill jeffosidius

raymi says:

i understand he has taken the form of a human male and goes by the name of jeff halpin

raymi says:

what a common name

raymi says:

harh har har MAUAHAHAHAHA

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