i like that new ashlee simpson song cos she says

got my own money
Don’t need any man in this room

like finally she isn’t a whiny prat like in her reality show and not crying over that douchebag boy, i also think that jessica and nick splitting is having a positive influence on ashlee. i also like that she is trying to be like clockwork orange in the video and her hair is fucking retarded and mangled. her nose could be less mr. burns though.

the song is catchy and i want to dance like a cougar to it.

i had to discuss stuff with my doctor yesterday about how 9/11 made me crazy and describe what panic attacks feel like and how they occur for me personally. about once a week i’ll be out somewhere doing my thing and i’ll overhear a conversation or a song lyric, see something on television and then my whole body tingles and i feel sheer panic and it lasts a couple of minutes then goes away. whatever it is that sets me off i will interpret it to be some kind of meaning meant specifically for me to overhear or witness, like a sign and then i’ll think i am in danger and really it is fucking terrifying and there’s nothing i can do about it, i mean, preventitive. it’s like a part of my brain is permanently damaged now due to post traumatic stress and maybe a lot of drugs.

so yeah, i’m a lot better at handling it but sometimes randomly depending on my mood or situation i am in, some friggin’ song will be playing that i heard when i was in a psychosis state way back when and i’ll get the heebie-jeebies all over again.

my heart will pound and pound and i’ll sweat a lot and feel faint and flush and then everyone around me is against me or trying to tell me something and i can’t figure it out.

so in this sense yeah i guess i am kuh-razy. it’s pretty much why i started drinking heavily, if i polluted my brain it wouldn’t be able to function manically and make connections and theories about nothing. i know it sounds stupid but in the beginning when i started drinking up again i never felt so safe, like the monsters couldn’t get at me cos i wasn’t able to think about them and i could be left alone



last nite i was in meika’s new apartment and from her balcony i could see the entire city and down below were two fat kids and their father and the kids were being mean to this mom and dad rabbit and their baby rabbit so i sceamed at them from the balcony and they started throwing rocks at me and one hit me in the throat so i jumped off the building and went over to the father and demanded that he call his kids over so i could yell at them some more then they came over and i tore the one kid’s wig off his head and threw it down the valley and screamed in his face then punched him several times in the face and yelled YOU ARE A FAT PIECE OF SHITLOSER KID WHO WILL NEVER EVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING then i threw rocks at him and screamed SEE THERE HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!??!!?

then fil peddled by on a bicycle with gwen stefani and she fell off and landed on her face on some gravel.

merkley??? says:

i was born in calgary — i told you that one billion times

raymi says:


merkley??? says:

i might pop in to your town next time i go to new york

raymi says:

i have to crap

merkley??? says:

but i’ll be bringing tony peirce

merkley??? says:

we are dating now

merkley??? says:


merkley??? says:

now i’m thinking of you crapping

merkley??? says:

i dont want to

merkley??? says:

i better load up the cuteoverload blog

merkley??? says:

i said “load”

merkley??? says:


raymi says:

wow that was incredible

merkley??? says:

sometimmes pooping hurts

merkley??? says:

you gotta be careful

merkley??? says:

when you gonna record some more of that drum machine weird stuff

merkley??? says:

where you do insane lyrics like you’re on dope

raymi says:


raymi says:

did u like that shit

merkley??? says:


merkley??? says:

it’d be easy to finish it up too

raymi says:

theres this cute raymi the minx song by this group of college kids here

raymi says:

they put it on their cd

merkley??? says:

take it to the next level yo

raymi says:

i have it in my gmail somewhere ill send u it

merkley??? says:

it’s about you?

raymi says:


merkley??? says:

you’re so famous

raymi says:

f u

raymi says:

u are jealous

merkley??? says:


raymi says:


raymi says:

maybe if u werent such a cock

merkley??? says:

when i lived in utah there was a local band called “die merkley die”

merkley??? says:

top that shit

raymi says:

woah nice

merkley??? says:

and they imitated my art really well

merkley??? says:

it made me really happy

merkley??? says:

they werent happy that i was happy

merkley??? says:

so they stopped

merkley??? says:

what do you do all day?

merkley??? says:

besides selling your book to homeless people

raymi says:

i have made over 700 dollars so far

raymi says:

i drink coffee play online take craps and look in the mirror

merkley??? says:

buy me a sweater

merkley??? says:

a brown one

merkley??? says:

with tiny yellow spots

raymi says:


raymi says:

i dont have access to that money yet

merkley??? says:

i have only 50 bucks pending

merkley??? says:

because my shit is only marked up 2 bucks

raymi says:


raymi says:

well make something nice that i would like to own or wear and i will buy something off u

merkley??? says:

you and fil should take a trip out here

merkley??? says:

i have a guest room

merkley??? says:

you’d love sf

raymi says:

OK we’ll do it!!!!!!!!

merkley??? says:

when was the last time you took a real trip?

raymi says:


raymi says:


merkley??? says:

thats not very far

merkley??? says:

who was that band i told you reminded me of you?

merkley??? says:


merkley??? says:

i forgot their name

merkley??? says:


merkley??? says:

chicks on speed

raymi says:

i love them

raymi says:

isnt calgary like, gay?

merkley??? says:

i never really lived there

merkley??? says:

i was an infant when my folks came to the states

merkley??? says:

seems like it would be a little doofy with the stampede and all

merkley??? says:

so do you socialize with all the bands coming out of your hometown these days?

merkley??? says:

there seems to be a lot

raymi says:

no fil wishes though

raymi says:

can i use some of this on my blog

merkley??? says:

i dont care

merkley??? says:

rewrite all my parts to make them hilarious though

raymi says:


raymi says:

that porknbean guy is talking to me on msn now

merkley??? says:

who’s that?

raymi says:

the guy who is always in my comments

merkley??? says:

i never read the comments really

merkley??? says:

most of them bug the crap out of me

raymi says:

me too!

merkley??? says:

when i comment i just skip to the bottom

raymi says:

hahahaa me too

raymi says:

well not on my blog

Parkdale Massive says:

I wanna hang out with you soon

Parkdale Massive says:

but now I have to go buy some lettuce

raymi says:

i wish i was as important as lettuce

Parkdale Massive says:

you are

raymi says:


Jeffrey says:

I might go to Montreal for New Years for some reason

Jeffrey says:

Like there aren’t enough annoying people here

Jeffrey says:

Maybe I’ll buy a Ventriloquist’s Dummy

Jeffrey says:

at least he will ANSWER ME

Jeffrey says:


raymi says:


raymi says:

what slut do u wanna visit in mtl

Jeffrey says:

I still like the joke where you take all the cream, sugars and stirrers and throw
them in the trash

raymi says:

thank you

Jeffrey says:

and you’re like “should have come earlier”

raymi says:


Jeffrey says:

I might go up there with some sluts and retards

raymi says:


Jeffrey says:

Boston kids

raymi says:


Jeffrey says:

Jesse’s having a New Years party

raymi says:

oh yeah? in mtl?

Jeffrey says:


raymi says:


Jeffrey says:

no, they are having their party in Brooklyn

i don’t know why i am hanging out on the floor of the bar maybe it’s something i like to do when i am blotto because i have zero self-respect. fil keeps calling me to discuss his comments with him and i am like DUDE MY FONE ISN’T FREE DURING THE DAY AND ALSO I AM PAYING TO USE THE INTERNET RIGHT NOW AT A CAFE LEAVE ME ALONE! something like that and he is all NO ONE CARES! and now i forget what i was going to write about.

making my way over here a dog sniffed my hand and walked along with me for half a block and i wished that i could of hung out with him all day.