i fucked up my back somehow and my spine hurts so i didn’t go into the city today to talk about comic books and movie ideas i will go tomorrow instead. we rented sahara last nite, it was kinda funny and cheesy, whatever, i love penelope.

i find myself asking myself daily if it is too early to start drinking and the answer is usually yes, it is, but that doesn’t stop me.

the only thing stopping me now is that i don’t have a booze-messenger.

i’m almost done working on my book. it is called; MARKETABLE DEPRESSION.

i have sneaked in a bunch of short stories i started working on before but never finished in there to fill space. everyone who has read it so far says that it is the best.

oh and ps i saw a bear two weeks ago on our hike.

the end.

last nite we watched layer cake and got soused. well at least i did. and i was playing with the evil furry cat thing and then i stopped and rested my arm over the couch and he flew at it from across the room and made a huge gash across it and fil didn’t even discipline him with a bathroom time out.

today he is in skitchen.

what is that suppose to mean anyway?

i was just reading the info on some movie called she hate me and it said something like “bla bla biotech executive..” and i read biotech as Biotch and was thinking why the fuck would they describe an executive as a bitch?

while writing this i typed “said” as “dias” three times.

my brain is messed up.

i just want to get through this day without having a nervous breakdown.

i visitted my papa in hospital on friday, something with his heart. so far no news so maybe that is good.

sometimes, there just isn’t enough vodka.

i took that from my rooftop.

what can i say that hasn’t already been said?

9/11 really fucked me up. really.

when i hear planes i panic and can’t be calm until they safely fly away and i can’t hear them anymore. when it rains and lightnings and thunders i think buildings are blowing up down the street. i have anxiety attacks in airports.

i was in a mental hospital for a month and i have not been the same since.

i heard the first plane fucking hit and i saw the building fall and ashes got all over our basil plants.

fuck you, fuckers.