a few letter excerpts from my book while you wait:


I was sorry to hear about you getting shot in the ass.

Your pal,


I have read your blog and your articles on Rocketpack.

I will pray for your soul, in hopes that on judgement day the powers that be
will overlook your damning behaviour and allow you to be free. Mind, body
and soul. You will finally experience the existance of pure being. Never to
repeat your confused and perverse actions of the previous life, ever again.

Besides, it’s good to know there are other fucktards running about the GTA.
I don’t feel so lonely now.

Keep up the good work.

I think I love you , so what am I so afraid of. The fact that I’m not sure


I’ve got some black cats

let’s put them in a tin can;

Blow up the fuckers.

A haiku

by Brent

i made a book. a collection of love and hate mail sent to raymi over the years, several two-minute drawings and a bonus interview and it costs twenty dollars. why don’t you go and buy it!

this is what the back looks like:

how fucking professional.

anyway. tell all your friends.

here is an email snippet teaser:

Everybody says to me, “Tell me about raymi.”

I just got back form Paris. I was staying with my friend Brian’s ex-girlfriend.
She asked me about you. I told her you were the coolest.

I met a girl from Toronto in Amsterdam. She asked me about you too.
I said good things.

I’m still in Europe. I’m supposed to leave on Wednesday, but I don’t wanna go.
Come meet me here and we can ride bicycles and I’ll take you to romantic places
and you can break my heart.

raymi says:

from now on u can call me ASS CANCER

Jamie says:


ass cancer says:

see look there

Jamie says:

be careful

Jamie says:

it might stick

Jamie says:

my grandfather had it

Jamie says:

but he died of a heart attack

Jamie says:

probably had it as soon as they told him he had ass cancer

ass cancer says:


ass cancer says:


ass cancer says:


ass cancer says:

im sorry

ass cancer says:

just the term ass cancer is fucking hilarious

ass cancer says:

im actually giggling right now

Jamie says:

s’ok i hardly knew him

me being dropped off at the AA convention.

last nite i drank an entire bottle of red wine at band practise because i am a superstar.

i just got caught picking my nose by some younger boy in the alley.

i am putting up a book later today so watch out for it. it’s called DEAR RAYMI.

quote of the fucking day hey, cheat on my brother all you want dude, you’re fucking awesome.

if you want to be my next quote of the day follow these simple steps.

1. stop writing shitty not funny things on your blog

2. make me fucking laugh

3. say that your brother’s girlfriend can cheat on him

i pulled the string on my iud a little bit last nite because i am stupid and now my cervix hurts and i have cramps. thought you might like to know that.