raymi says:

this rap is called kindergarden crush

Jamie says:


raymi says:

there was this kid called jonathan i think he was doped on klonipin i so wanted to get next to him

raymi says:

i am bored of this theme already

Jamie says:

but i got kicked in the shin, by sally on ritalin

raymi says:


raymi says:

and christina barfed on the water fountain boy that vomit was as high as a mountain

Jamie says:


raymi says:

(that really happened ps)

raymi says:

kindergarden crushes are lame

raymi says:

i didnt really have crushes i just wanted all the boys to play with me and not other girls

Jamie says:

i had a crush on a girl

raymi says:

was she a babe

raymi says:

was her hair crimped

Jamie says:

i’m looking for the post i wrote about her

raymi says:

oh they didnt crimp hair back in the 40s did they

Jamie says:


raymi says:

i like playing dressup and wearing funny hats ’til i get bored and hit up the paint centre where i’ll draw some cats

Jamie says:


raymi says:

“I tore off a piece of brown paper towel from the dispenser and carefully wrapped up the photo”

raymi says:


raymi says:

how thoughtful

Jamie says:

i wanted it to look nice, and i didn’t want anyone to see it

raymi says:

brown paper towel nice?

Jamie says:

you know the kind

raymi says:

u didnt like her anymore because she cut her hair

Jamie says:


raymi says:


raymi says:

did u have a really big head as a kid

Jamie says:

no, you know what it was?

Jamie says:

she started to like me back

Jamie says:

it was the smoochy faces from across the room that turned me off

Jamie says:

who knows why

Jamie says:

some things never change, though, right?

raymi says:

did she have cool outfits

Jamie says:

not as cool as mine, but yeah

raymi says:


Jamie says:

my mom showed me a pic at easter

Jamie says:

i was wearing a wide, white leather belt

Jamie says:

it was hilarious

raymi says:


Jamie says:

fourth grade

raymi says:

i had fluorescent colored outfits

Jamie says:

i should’ve taken it and scanned it so i could post it

Jamie says:

did all the boys love you?

raymi says:

some did, i dont know why, maybe cos i was the loudmouth in every class and they wanted to copy off me

raymi says:

i attracted the dumb cute boys

Jamie says:

you still do

raymi says:


raymi says:

ya you attract hags

raymi says:

my friend jeremy in grade 2 was boyfriend with this one little girl for a day only because it was cupcake day and he wanted her cupcake and she gave it to him and then he broke up with her after he ate it

Jamie says:


raymi says:

you would do something like that

Jamie says:

probably messed her up for life

Jamie says:


raymi says:

i would do something like that

Jamie says:

i used to get chased around the playground by girls

Jamie says:

and i’d run away

Jamie says:

there was a group of, like 5 girls who always chased me

Jamie says:

i’d go on the swings and swing really high so they couldn’t kiss me

raymi says:

oh i know what i did once, this kid had a bunch of cool movie posters his older brother gave to him and i said if he gave me one i would invite him to my super cool make out birthday party, grade 5, and so he gave me one and i didnt invite him

raymi says:


Jamie says:


raymi says:

but i was only allowed to invite so many, so i only invited the good looking popular ones

raymi says:

grade five fascism

Jamie says:

you would’ve invited me, i bet

Jamie says:

i sat at the head of my table during lunch

Jamie says:

i thought i was the coolest

newcomers to my blog don’t “get” the raymi. when she says she is going to eat a goose they are like how would YOU feel if the goose ate you?

moron, why the fuck would i eat a goose?

am i not allowed to be sarcastic anymore?

anyway, people who don’t “get” me usually think i am crazy.

“She has all these like, WORDS and long SENTENCES and she is NAKED and she uses caps lock and spells RAAAAAAAAAAWR she is mega fucking crazy!”

ehm, ya.

this probably isn’t even worth addressing, however, it gets on your nerves eventually when you’re trolling the internet and some random person links you in a messageboard and then some other messageboard frequenter, usually a psychophant girl will say “that raymi girl is CRAZY.”




people who think i am crazy usually listen to bryan adams and own a tea kettle from ikea and practise feng shui.

feng shui?

dude everything is so totally going wrong this week, i know i’ll put everything from the master bedroom in the kitchen and a few pebbles in the upstairs bathroom all along the bathtub, no, on the window sill and i’ll put the couch in the crawlspace and the tracklighting in the closet and i’ll hang the shoes on my coat hooks.


people who are “zen” are retarded. when they sit there calmly “being zen” it only makes me want to antagonize them and do everything possible to make them un-zen.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

thanks, you figure?

“It is what it is.”

uh are you sure? i thought it is what it isn’t. what do you think about that?

“It’s no matter because there is no is.”


oh my god i am going to rip out my hair if i don’t stop thinking about this.

raymi says:

napping on sundays?

Jamie says:


raymi says:

i see this going nowhere fast

Jamie says:

i’m stumped

Jamie says:

i need a beat

raymi says:

ok picnics at the park

raymi says:

ill start

Jamie says:


raymi says:

boom pa choom boom boom

raymi says:

do you feel inspired

Jamie says:

napping in the sun on a sunday in the park…

Jamie says:

getting my naps in before the park gets dark

raymi says:

drinking lemonade oh no here comes a shark!

Jamie says:

oh my mistake it was just a big lark

Jamie says:

ate potato salad that was just starting to turn…hope this stupid sun doesn’t make me burn

raymi says:

but thats ok cos here comes my friend ernie he’ll hook me up with lotion that will protect me from burnin

Jamie says:

my ham and cheese sandwich attracted lots of ants, there’s no one around so I’ll take off my pants

raymi says:


raymi says:

i cant think i am laughing too much

raymi says:

i think im in the mood for playing double dutch too bad i busted my knee and i have to use a crutch

Jamie says:

maybe i’ll share my food with that hottie by the tree, as soon as I get back from taking a pee

raymi says:

that was lame, but good lame.

Jamie says:

don’t discourage me

raymi says:

i ask that hottie yo u wanna get next to me i can majorly hook you up with some fries and gravy

Jamie says:

i rolled up to the sexy little lass, and offered her some lemonade, but i didn’t have a glass

Jamie says:

fries and gravy at a picnic??

Jamie says:


raymi says:

it rhymed

Jamie says:

it’s good

raymi says:

but she didnt notice my lack of a glass cos this dog crapped in the grass and to the owner im like dude thats crass

raymi says:

boom pa choom BOOM BOOM

raymi says:

so i mosey over to the teeter totter

raymi says:


Jamie says:

i was making time, and thought i’d get a lick, but all the sudden i got cock blocked by ranger rick

raymi says:

so im at the teeter totter and i ask this dude if i can borrow his daughter and she made me go real high then i launched her into the sky

Jamie says:

bye bye, bye bye the girl started to cry, i’d have watched her fly if the sun didn’t hurt my eye

raymi says:

this is very well thought out

went for a walk

saw a goose geese whatever

i wanted to pick it up and hug it

if those things weren’t so fucking vicious i would have ten of them as pets by now

and i would dye their feathers hot pink and yellow

and they would wear green bowties with white polka dots

and if one so much as looked at me the wrong way

i would eat him

and wear his neck as a bracelet

fucking hotmail.

i have two other accounts that i never check but there’s stuff in there from the beginning of time and hotmail bumped up my space and deleted everything.

hotmail is like yo, we reserved an account for you and deleted absolutely everything, even your contacts. you’re welcome by the way!

thanks shitbags.

waking up at 6am to pee and rehydrate and then trying to get back to sleep so wasn’t happening because i started thinking about blogging and stupid catch phrases and i was clenching my jaw and my ribs felt kicked in and the right side of my body hurt and so did my head so i tossed from side to side every five minutes until finally all the pains went away but i knew it would only be a temporary bout of relief like that part in scary movies where they think the guy is dead so they stand over his body because they are retarded bitches and the scary bad guy goes RUUUUHHAAAAAAAWRRR and grabs their leg and they shoot him in the face ten times and spit on him like this time you be dead for real yo!

being excited to fall back asleep again totally wakes your brain up and then seagulls start making seagull noises and you fantasize about going out on the roof and telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP in their stupid faces.

how would you like me to go outside your window and make dump truck noises when you are trying to sleep?

that’s the burn you say to the garbageman.

insert will smith laughter – uh haooooow!