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this is a poem by raymi

you notice when people stop caring

and trying

when summer is over the food in the refridgerator is less happy

and there are less bottles of beer to smuggle

and everything is dark


and everyone gets fatter

women think about how fat they are every three minutes

men think about their penis and women’s asses every three minutes

if i sit still for a very long time

and concentrate really, really hard

i can turn into stone

and then fizzle away into dust like kirsten dunst and that woman in Interview with the Vampire (awesome movie)

and it is only my fingers that are moving over the keyboard

and i can smell my armpits

and i hope that no one comes near to smell me

hannah came near and said are you wearing perfume and i said no i washed my hair today, i may look dirty but i am actually clean

it’s ‘cos i put so many toxins into my body i think

i just, turn all pungent?

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