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we watched taking lives and i remember you said that she was me in that film and so i see now that you were right because her mannerisms and crazzy-ass intensity and long hair and swoop-bangs thing, yeh, definitely me, and she plays with her hands when she is thinking

i am happy it was filmed and took place in Quebec city and montreal

there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to count all the bruises on my legs from corners of futon and doorway frames

then we watched the butterfly effect and if i wasn’t so innebriated i would have cried

oh but i did cry but just not on the outside

i knew i would relate to that movie on too many levels

i told serah i am going to need botox injections in my forehead because i express all emotions with it even as i type this i am all smooshed and furrowed up in thayuh.


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