Check out my latest ditty on you and your literary soul mate, Mark Leyner. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to read, Et Tu, Babe…
ok so now i have to write up a l’il informal bidniss plan for my vision, my visual tete a tete for all things pertaining to gaymi.
i need a beericle.
miracle + beer = beericle
and I invented it but tim assisted it and went BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA as i said it.
and if one more pissant kid pisses on my driveway and/or pours their beer out on it, i’m gonna put some fancy camera shiznat on ya’lls. or sit in the bushes. fock with my family and i’ll fock with yours, focker.
that is me the nite aimee and i pissed all over the parking lot after we closed down every bar in town and aimee fell up a few flights of stairs and we drank a whole bottle of wine at phillipe’s and then left. see you!
here is something i wrote in grade eight for french class and my teacher was like wow, you’re smart frrt frrrrt fraaap… and then my other teacher told me i was chosen to be the valedictorian and i was like oh dis!
and i am too fat to use the accent agu et en grave so shut up and there are dumb drawings to go along with it but i don’t have a scanner here.
Mes Succes du Passe
Quand J’etais jeune, moi et mon frere shawn ont pris les lecons de natation. J’aime la possedu natation beaucoup. J’ai maintenant chaque niveau sauf pour la croix bronze parce, que je n’ai pas l’age possible. Bien que je suis qualifiee suffisantement.
Mes Succes du Present
Pour cinq annes maintenant, j’ai pris des classes de danse (jazz). Elles sont fantastiques! J’aime la musique groupe Blur. J’adore l’anglais musique scene. Je vais aimer bien vivre en Angletterre.
Mes Succes du Futur
Quand je suis plus agee, je suis etre pareil une actrice en Angleterre, mais avant ceci, je vais etudier a l’Universite D’Oxford. Quand je suis vielle, je m’imagine a ecrire mes memoires a une petite maisonette en Irlande.
me with the cowtown lesbo/train wreck/aimeetheminx/aymitheminx
le sigh
that nite this girl smashed her beer at my feet by accident and i troloped home in the rain in my ridiculous heels and i swear my drink was drugified but whatever.
aimee looked h to the o to the t.
we just got back with steaks and beers and salads and potatoes and i’m going to lie down on the grill and kiss the ceramic briqs.
i’m fun like that.
i wish my brains were patient enough right now to not read garbage literary things.
mum, sorry that zach flipped you off we were, um, kids.