im going to la thursday. we’re gonna sleep in the streets. i ate a 3 musketeers the other day after i watched the commercial. sucked me right in. i just walked across the street and bought one right away. that is all.
i like chocolate milk from swiss chalet and then you can see the chocolate syrup stains at the bottom of the glass so then you know that some dude in the back made it all by hisself for you and then i think maybe he might have got his fingers inside by accident with the spoon like i always do or maybe he taste-tested it and then i wonder if it’s quik or that other stuff. brown cow maybe. i watch price is right all the time. anti can we go on the show i want to play plinko and fall down those windy stairs. like the windy stairs on the set of fresh prince of bel air. know what show i also watch is saved by the bell. they have two episodes back to back at like 1 oclock. we knew this dude who looked like screech and his name was mike hunt. say that fast in your head. we use to scream his name out at him and one time he walked over and said, “uhh i prefer Mi – Kul hunt.” in this faggy voice. it was funny kuz he looked like screech. anyway. bye. love you.