there is such a big space here.
do you wanna buy my stuff? like, lots of it? i think you should. email and tell me what you want, in general, assume i own everything because i do, and assume im going to mail it to you, because i will. assume i have things that are worth copious sums of canadian, euros, usd ,quids, whatever, artwork, dirty knickers, photos, xeroxed journal entries from 1996 or 1994, my own perspective, about kurt cobain when he blew his face off and how i am so smart and whatever you might want to own, your fucking self-educated opinion on whatever is ecclectic, antique, worthy of ownage, personal value…
i dont fucking care, do you want to buy my ant farms and magazines and shoes and socks and candy and scissors, tape, tables, books, this is my marketing tool. if one fool reads my marketing tool and buys a stool (no, not the sample) and pays me twool, american dollhairs..etc etc whatever just email me if you want something. everything is private and confidential and i am the boss therefore i can and will not hesitate to say no to certain things, however negotiations are simple to take care of.
mama did’nae raise no fool.
Monthly Archives: May 2003
this is gnoll. he’s my biographer. he’s snarky and shit and older than dust and we use to date and but not really and now i can skateboard better than him i think but everyday he walks to work, even when it’s flying snow and slush kuz he was bred to be a bitter cold walk thru it anyway type guy. im going to help him get laid off from his work. that’s his dream. to be like me and not ever have to leave a house ever again. everyday i turn more and more into david letterman. people phobia. anyway, noel and that other guy nathan i think, he cuts hair, him and noel are going to need to talk to me more and film me being retarded again. eccentric. blargh. ill let you niggers know when the sex TV thing airs, it’s in june ‘stead of may. you haven’t missed it yet. have a nice day. me? i’m going to this orientation thing today they want to see if my liver is full of olives and stoli and vomit and urine, hehehh. this is so funny. and fun. my mum is driving me nuts. my mum is driving anti nuts. slkhf sd;fhds;kfhudsn;gkdhg;ldshg and we love her. i need breaks from everyone, everything, anything. i talk to animals now and they actually respond. it’s spring so theyre all getting un-knocked up by giving birth and shit all over my house and im like ahhhhh that fucking pigeon thing flew at my head kuz i was spying on my mom thru a window near this nest and i saw the thing come at me. the family of birds then decided to move their nest elsewhere. sorry. at least the babies hatched and shit otherwise the mum would eat them or something. she left one dude behind and i felt bad for him for a little while but eventually he flew away on his own like all birds realise they are able to do because they fucking have wings, right? but not til some predator comes along and stuff…. alright bye.
Dear Douglas Coupland
I no longer have a job.
I no longer have a “job-job” one of those real ones with a check every other week, you know what i mean?
Yeh, I no longer have one of those and it’s ok, it’s ok. I’m doing just fine.
Now I’ll have more of a disgusting amount of free time to sit around and make brilliant observations in an amusing light.
Maybe i’ll get welfare! cool!
Nawww. This career-change is suppose to motivate me to work harder and faster and get all the important things done and done right.
I saw my ex-boyfriend last nite. we went to his hotel and he told me about how he and she almost got arrested for prostitution. they were in the wrong part of town. it was a stroke of luck that i had decided to leave them at the bar and not stumble back to their hotel. perhaps things would have been different. meh.
My friend Jamie was suppose to meet you or you were suppose to sign this art book for some project he was working on over the past two weeks in Italy and your stuff is in the book too. he was suppose to walk up to you and tell you that you mean a lot to a girl living in the armpit of Toronto and then he would have given you my card with my url on it and email address and then you would have written to me and maybe be my friend.
things don’t always work out the way you want them to.
Ant says:
being rich sucks too …ask my exraymi the WASP says:
yahAnt says:
yah yahraymi the WASP says:
everything sucksraymi the WASP says:
thats why you stay in the middleAnt says:
Everything�s greatraymi the WASP says:
and plot it yourselfAnt says:
Haharaymi the WASP says:
which is what i didraymi the WASP says:
but i came from a white collar family, pretty muchraymi the WASP says:
le burbsAnt says:
we all gotta come from somewhereraymi the WASP says:
where eccentricity is bred only within certain familiesraymi the WASP says:
yepraymi the WASP says:
everyone is special and shit
Ant says:
Haraymi the WASP says:
and some are notraymi the WASP says:
you were famous , no?raymi the WASP says:
your reggae stuffAnt says:
oh veryraymi the WASP says:
do you want to do that jamming out shit again?raymi the WASP says:
i can help you.Ant says:
neverraymi the WASP says:
you�re lyingAnt says:
NopeAnt says:
I have done itraymi the WASP says:
so, you do not ever want to play again?raymi the WASP says:
i mean.Ant says:
just for fun.Ant says:
but there is no time.Ant says:
We could play in any city we want…there is no desire.Ant says:
8 people would have to co-incide.Ant says:
not going to happen.raymi the WASP says:
i could set it up.Ant says:
thank god.
raymi the WASP says:
and you can practice here or at my dads pad.raymi the WASP says:
with me n him and others.raymi the WASP says:
and meAnt says:
would rather play with one of my hero’s or in a new bandraymi the WASP says:
he jams too. With his buddy. I�m gonna sing with/for their band thing. Starting anew. A new band with my dad, cool huh? I would do that with you too. I�m a fucking karaoke sensation, and everyone is copying what I did best and that band I use to be in, le neighborhood gang, well, it�s now defunct. Fuck them anyway. Politics,you know. I was meant to be the centre of my own band anyway�
Ant says:
Can�t even smoke weed anymore….raymi the WASP says:
I�m basically inviting you to be my friend again.raymi the WASP says:
and your lady friend too, of course.raymi the WASP says:
but under certain stipulations.Ant says:
OkAnt says:
friends we are.raymi the WASP says:
thank you Big-ant.raymi the WASP says:
for being my friend.raymi the WASP says:
etc. etc�Ant says:
real friendships never have any stipulations.raymi the WASP says:
i mean it.raymi the WASP says:
i know.Ant says:
kraymi the WASP says:
i mean like forget about negative shitraymi the WASP says:
past thingsraymi the WASP says:
i can�t talk about it all the time.raymi the WASP says:
as it comes up, only.Ant says:
Gotcharaymi the WASP says:
a lot of traumatic things happened to me as a result of trying to help too, too many people in Toronto. I had to learn how to get out of that scene on my own.raymi the WASP says:
it was my fault not leaving soonerraymi the WASP says:
and/or getting involved in other people�s dramas.Ant says:
you invited it …you won�t get any sympathy from me.
Ant says:
I tried to be a knight, in shining armor for my wife…MY FAULT.raymi the WASP says:
i know.raymi the WASP says:
i heard, rather.Ant says:
my fault my kids don’t have a daddy in the house.raymi the WASP says:
my friend tim told meraymi the WASP says:
nice things about youraymi the WASP says:
he really likes youAnt says:
yeah he’s a good duderaymi the WASP says:
it�s not your faultraymi the WASP says:
everraymi the WASP says:
that�s what nihilism israymi the WASP says:
likeAnt says:
of course it is….we make our choicesAnt says:
Hahraymi the WASP says:
rightraymi the WASP says:
but the mistake part israymi the WASP says:
the choiceraymi the WASP says:
onlyraymi the WASP says:
but is it a mistake, really?Ant says:
well I have 2 bootiful boys, so noraymi the WASP says:
rightAnt says:
but u know what I meanraymi the WASP says:
you can always look at it from a different perspective, i learned.raymi the WASP says:
bad things happenraymi the WASP says:
then good stuff happensraymi the WASP says:
as a resultraymi the WASP says:
I�ve become sharperAnt says:
no sitting around, blaming my childhood, and my parents, and my friends and ,,and, and�raymi the WASP says:
as a result of bad things, basically too, like youraymi the WASP says:
rightraymi the WASP says:
and I am able to be happy againAnt says:
Overcome the angry by non-anger;
overcome the wicked by goodness;
overcome the miser by generosity;
overcome the liar by truth.raymi the WASP says:
because I�m not flying around the world anymoreraymi the WASP says:
that�s some kind of zenraymi the WASP says:
where did u get that fromraymi the WASP says:
some random jargon of inspirationraymi the WASP says:
i like jammin� music too.raymi the WASP says:
marleyraymi the WASP says:
when it�s hot out and the sun and the water and tress…beaches�raymi the WASP says:
they cook ital foods, they as in Jamaicans.raymi the WASP says:
style.Ant says:
It�s a Buddhism saying.raymi the WASP says:
mobay = montego bayAnt says:
very italAnt says:
Hehraymi the WASP says:
they go by the sun and by the godsraymi the WASP says:
and that�s even howraymi the WASP says:
they um,raymi the WASP says:
fucking plant the gardensraymi the WASP says:
that grow the seeds that they make their own bread and fruits and shit that they eat.raymi the WASP says:
…etc etc they don�t eat shit though. Maybe they do?Ant says:
Here�s another good one.Ant says:
If a man going down into a river,
swollen and swiftly flowing,
is carried away by the current —
how can he help others across?raymi the WASP says:
i read this book you must read by russel banks and it�s called rule of the bone. Read it.raymi the WASP says:
they can step on his bloated carcass.raymi the WASP says:
hahahaha.Ant says:
Ant says:
my favorite of all timeAnt says:
Irrigators regulate the rivers;
fletchers straighten the arrow shaft;
carpenters shape the wood;
the wise control themselves.Ant says:
whores suck cock.Ant says:
and fuck.raymi the WASP says:
is that what it meansAnt says:
har har.raymi the WASP says:
i couldn�t figure it out some fag is trying to talk to me on msn.Ant says:
It�s all about control.Ant says:
There is no such thing as depression.raymi the WASP says:
i agreeraymi the WASP says:
but, there is such a thing as depression.raymi the WASP says:
as well.raymi the WASP says:
we can argue any subject.raymi the WASP says:
i can write essays in my fucking head now.raymi the WASP says:
and maths.raymi the WASP says:
i was a valedistorienne.raymi the WASP says:
haha.raymi the WASP says:
kindergarden – grade 8raymi the WASP says:
religious schooling shit, nahmean?raymi the WASP says:
I am thinking of getting more sacraments. Heh.raymi the WASP says:
or something.raymi the WASP says:
divorces in america are way worse, ant.raymi the WASP says:
WAY!raymi the WASP says:
there is more money at stake.raymi the WASP says:
i was in cali you know.Ant says:
try and find a study that depression has been proven to exist clinically…there isn’t oneAnt says:
not than mineAnt says:
its got everythingAnt says:
it would shock springer.raymi the WASP says:
well kiddoraymi the WASP says:
im depressedraymi the WASP says:
clinicallyraymi the WASP says:
and bipolarAnt says:
yeah yeahraymi the WASP says:
that�s a chemical imbalanceAnt says:
hang on i’ll send you somethingraymi the WASP says:
i know it better than youAnt says:
no proofraymi the WASP says:
no offenseraymi the WASP says:
ill prove anythingAnt says:
Okraymi the WASP says:
ive proven it to 40 doctors at south uclaraymi the WASP says:
psyche wardraymi the WASP says:
i was placedAnt says:
raymi the WASP says:
under a 72raymi the WASP says:
hour holdAnt says:
You�re badly behaved�raymi the WASP says:
they thought i had a secret stashraymi the WASP says:
of amphetaminesraymi the WASP says:
they fucking strapped me down like a lab monkey, wrist/ankle restraints you know�Ant says:
my wife did …of Dexedrineraymi the WASP says:
and stabbed me with a needle in my left hipthing near my ass kinda, I was screaming and crying and all this shit� I didn�t get it at the time. I thought it was a joke.raymi the WASP says:
you are incorrectraymi the WASP says:
u are under-informedraymi the WASP says:
its not until you go to the states, to the westraymi the WASP says:
and experience the most traumatic of experiencesraymi the WASP says:
only thenAnt says:
yes called boredomraymi the WASP says:
you are allowed to make statementsAnt says:
Boredomraymi the WASP says:
likeraymi the WASP says:
“depression and clincally…” in the same sentence, not existingraymi the WASP says:
bipolar, stems from depressionraymi the WASP says:
boredomraymi the WASP says:
thatsa copoutraymi the WASP says:
gimme another reason as to why you believe depressionraymi the WASP says:
is non-existing, off the top of yer headraymi the WASP says:
illraymi the WASP says:
brbraymi the WASP says:
im backraymi the WASP says:
did you google a reason yet??raymi the WASP says:
hehehraymi the WASP says:
remember, you cant blame anythingAnt says:
Brbraymi the WASP says:
you cant blame boredom, from suburbia, you cant blame your parents for living in suburbiaraymi the WASP says:
and you cant blame suburbiaraymi the WASP says:
you cant blame the globe, and nothingraymi the WASP says:
this is what nirvana is, finding it, being one, and nothing, trulyraymi the WASP says:
im typing this live as i think it in my head, this quickly, with and or without gramatical errorsraymi the WASP says:
and, neglection ofraymi the WASP says:
syntax, whatraymi the WASP says:
have youNever give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
Ant says:
gotta goAnt says:
u freakAnt says:
speak to u laterraymi the WASP says:
freak?raymi the WASP says:
dont ever fucking call me that againraymi the WASP says:
i mean itraymi the WASP says:
byeAnt says:
ok freakAnt says:
i mean luvraymi the WASP says:
thats betterAnt says:
[emoticon that has the smiley face guy except he is not smiling, his eyes are big like white dinner plates and he has tiny black dots for eyes in the middle of the dinnerplate eyes and his lips are a thin straight line and he looks like he is exasperated maybe but also wide eyed which helps raymi remember that she needs to blink more and type faster and stuff and move onto some other thing on le internet. K bye.]raymi the WASP says:
even betterraymi the WASP says:
freak is a general term used to describe extraordinary peopleraymi the WASP says:
or sad peopleraymi the WASP says:
whateverraymi the WASP says:
don�t do itraymi the WASP says:
basicallyAnt says:
Kraymi the WASP says:
some people are hypersensitive. Some of the time.raymi the WASP says:
k bye.Ant says:
aye think aye need tae take aye shit.
due things as you know how to do them best. from how you taught yourself in the beginning and from what someone helped you with all along. thank you ward and dave o’sulliedvindiesL.
my hits have been down for way too long well i dunno this much so far. i havent been writing or reading or internetting ive been living and running my bipolarity brains into overdrive and my heart rate too so fucking way much you know i dont want to die i dont want a heart attack i dont want a fucknig kerouac pre 47 years of age death by way of heart explosions and the like. stream of consiousness. where do you think that comes from other than from kerouac? other than my third cousin and stuff? and then my mom’s second fucking cousin an dthen my papa’s first fucking cousin? yep. and then the logical part of raymitheminx and shit? the white ango saxon protestant part of me however, raised catholic, the fucking right way? mebbe perhaps. in canada was right. by over-tired teachers is right. passionate teachers is right, better informed? who knows. opinions are just opinions you know? no reason to fucking fight all the time. all the time. im letting the past delete itself slowy but surely. i feel jinxed because i wanted the whole world to look at me. the whole world. do you want that too? i think sometimes you might. or one time you did. you need to be looked at or you need to look at yourself, in order to learn, to live and to love and then to forgive and realise that yeh, people, are just people and that they do not know that of which whatever…i take everything personally, i did, or i do and it made me crazy. i let it, i scripted it. i wanted a crazy room i wanted a crazy life i wanted doctors and stuff but i wanted to write a book and i started it all, plot characters love fucking underage shit bla bla all that stuff that gets junky fuckers hooked on reading, lesbian nurse and crazy patient scenario and then the evil head male doctor that raymi had to mindfuck or kill or something, outthink that guy to get out of there. my fucking cousin, also third relation to kerouac fucking inspired me to script this little minx trap, conjure that image, and im trying to tell him now all about it. he read me this depressed poetry shit and then it all began and i wrote the first page and a bit and even typed it, left it on the table thing in our livingroom for my mom an dad to see, i was pretty damn proud. i think i was 14, now i think i may have been 13, possibly 12. everyone was always older than me. i called it “Outcast Society” immediately. so that’s mine. raymi was lauren’s name. lauren is me. i was the narrator. i did not understand so much about narration and third person speaking and the like…tra la..but i knew i was the best at writing and mathamatiques and sciences and all that shit. i learned bilingual shit of le francaise kind. i can type it better you know and now i remember it again. i know spanish better now too and mehicano and deafness and blindess and illness and pains and on and on and on…sdkgds;kgf;eht you know these things too. you have inner dialogues.
here in my heart…hear in my head….no no no nono…no i dont know….nonoonononooo….download pulp’s, seductive barry right now.
roll the soundtrack and dim the lites cuz im not going home tonite.
change the song if what you are writing about is boring. if it’s boring to you, however.
you can start emailing me again. all of you. hotmail gave up on my past desired emails directed to suitesoleil, that old thing. ahh hell.
go to or parkdaleraymi@hotmail
fucking spam mail follows me everywhere anyhow, where am i now
im afraid of a lot of things. too too many. im suppose to be safe everywhere. youre suppose to be safe everywhere. anywhere.
in planes on trains in the planes in maine insane sane of sound mind and thought and intellect and beauty and inner strength.
will yourselves better. be your own fuckhead only. make mistakes and apologize immediately.
say, “i’m sorry” when you fuck up. dont say fuck unless you have to. be aware of children and animals and dogcrap and rain and lightning bolts and dangers and sars and pedophiles on the loose. dont be a target. dont let paranoia hurt you. burn you. dont do things that get in you. dont let people think you did the bad things and if you did them and they do find out, dont be shamed. dont be shamed. shame on you once. shame on you twice if you do it again. nihilism and all that zen crepe, all of it is relevent, all of it. the niggers of spain. the spics and jews and french and brits and irish and the niggers of italy and the niggers of niggers of whites and lesbians and fags and on and on
im fine now. im finer now. like a fine wine, with age, gets better.
there’s a better haiku for you.
less words, lesser words. lesser sentences. slow down the rhythym and pace. type to music tune out everything for awhile. but sometimes you need to type the way you know best.
dont let my paranoia kill you.
april whatever the fuck
im leaving on a fucking jet plane to go to the effin� never eat shredded wheat coast. And I love all the assholes , everyone I forced myself to be friends with for my own basic need and desire or whatever the fuck I chose to help people and they chose to fuck with me, my life, my love, in every sense of the fucking word. This. This is the beginning of my fucking piece of a shit book, life, whatever
fuck you all literally in every sense of the word.But, goddammit.
I love you in the end.
Anyhow I have not had time to fucking tell you all goodbyes or hellos how are yous and this is sort of a sarry letter. Fuck sars. I have all photos and evidence of all everything and everyone who tried to stop me but didn�t. and im coming back anyway. And ill tell comeback home dates to all who I want to be there to do the helloes and goodbyes.
Im going to meet tony pierce
And all the other l-ame-oes
People who live in la are L-ayme
Im L-ayme.
When this plane lands for crying out loud we are going straight to that beach.
That�s the birthday present I shoulds got to myself
It would have
Prevented all this mess
But I am doing it right this time.
If I smell a fuckins snake a mile away
I am not going to mentally cockblock
That shit
Oh no
I swearThis is the fuck you goodbye hello I forgive you
No guilt open letter that I am writing from flight 1553
Fuck the gay faglove homo shit
This is going to be hoo ha ha
In the end.
Love you too laura petrie.
Debbies here giving me my fucking alcoholic bev�s
That girl is more than a flight attendent.
Props Debbie it is 7 43 canada time,
What time is it where you are?
I want to know if you can remember.
Oh it�s 444 in lax?
Oh yes alicjia is giving us some rold golds now
We want 4 buds
But mebbe we wont be able to drink em all /Im not going to lie to you guys anymore
Well I never really did
And u knew thatAll those crazy assumptions
Mebbe 24 percent of them
Are true.
I knew anti before all of you
He snuck in threw the bathroom window
No one expected this
Even raymi
The minx
Looks like itll be two Heinekens in the keg format
And some free pretzels.Niice.
Ahh I just heard her crack ythe shit over my left shoulder
Around the corner from seats 20d and 20 e and I guess seat # 20f
Im gonna write about the super duper mega awesome biatch in seat 20 f
As my homie from whos the fucking boss would say.
Anti already got her effin pic
Nice anti
Antiwins that one
I already got my bitch debbie�s winly permission to get that antismoking decal
Off the door
In the cameraless bathroom
No time to laugh
I have winamp and this word doc to fly like no tomorrow til the battery dies.I should save now.!~
I like making mistakes
Mistakes are funnyYah
So I love you all
Lets look on my laptop for fun nowOr ill edit some already unseen fotos
After im done listing to snakpimps avec radiohead
I heard those guys might be a little good at their jams
So good they don�t gotta effin market it
Or advert
FuckingthemEverything you read in here
All of it
Save for whatever
U knoiw
Anti is force feeding pretze;lsFag
That�s my victory
And his
We all winEvil never does
And I got 20 years of proof
Bet meAssholes
Iuts time for fucking gerri halliwell
Love her for leaving those spice bitchesThey couldn�t be happy for their own bitch\\
Ive been one dollar dissing everyone
Not anymore
I gotthe money
Some of it
To pass aroundI don�t even have time for evil
Aka tell offsNot til a week
I only havetime for lovey I love you emails
Or whatever
Don�t call me unless u have nice news
Or tell me shit about your shitThree sistser since literally the beginning of time
Have been raped
One barely 12
She was held down
By three �boys�And her councellor
FaultThat councellor bitch
Im getting all the proboner legal advice
For free
Don�t worryHere�s is a lesson
Take on bets when u know u will winThere u go
Don�t worry oh slumlord
Contract can be null and void
Even verbal onesRight blond anna? Miss I know famous people.
That�s youre own problem
You should be famous
U signed the I don�t and cat be famous or say im secretly sexing a famous
PERSON contract.Not me.
You are insecure and who�s fault was that
U forced me to say mean things
And then there is the blond girl
The first hot insecure one
Who I threw the fuck out for trying to bone
My 4 year manGo back to scarbourough
But whatever
Anti made that one up
Oh u kissed him first?
Yah in secret at yer job
For months
WhateverNothing is ever your fault?
I don�t care. I don�t have time to even call u fromthis plane
Or anyoneEmails go both ways
And fones too.Bye for now. Xoxoox
Love you too jg
And business
Is a
Reason.Oh hi dugan
Im listin to pete yornGentlemen, meet Lauren white.
For real this time? Noi. No. im minimizing for adobe.No im closing for adobe and this flight
And ill write more later and anti too.
Who wins?
8 0 2 pm beer and food and me time now.
Fuck u unanig is ungagi in sf or fucking b winning at listenb something hfsd;l hfdnet yetsz;flkjdsf�ds ?
There is no connection to the main brain of dumthnglkdfg; d
please dont be mad at me anymore for not typing and stuff. anyone ive nicely called and left nice messages for please call me back. i have some of your shit. you have some of mine. we’ll have a swap-meet, otehrwise im just showing up one day, unannounced and like, asking you why you were such fucking fuckheads to me and yah, whatever we had/have beef, i havent publicly named names or talked S about you so this blog is about venting rage all over again, self-loathing, talking about why toronto fucking sucks bigtime just like any other eastern coast city, burb, small town, fucking whatever. repent your sins, dont make shit up to try and get someone to be your boy/girlfriend again and just like, you know, be nice to each other. oh yah, and me too.
dont let blogs take over your life. pretend ive had mine since 19 fucking ninety nine. oh wait, i have.
ill be on that sex tv thing nearer to june they say.