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u know, im offended that i am at the bottom, of your fucking gangstas list, under tony, then this james guy, goose, hose and then the ill fated fucking fat loser michigan ward guys and then, YOU have ANTI as a playa, in the middle of the list, right there in the fuggin MIDDLE. now, this bleat guy, your like, douglas coupland to my whatever, get it, got it, good? u want to fuck me. u like anti, but he is not in your top five men list… moreover, i am at the fucking BOTTOM of that same, all time fave list like john cusack said in high fidelity over and over, i have that book too, but the BRITISH version, the first version point-fucking-oh (to be 1.0 is the best, why? read MICROSERFS instead of this bleat guy), trev-or, and when you put the ultimate supreme being at the fucking bottom of the top five men list, she gets, super mega-pixel-dissed, and then, pissed, AND then and then..that BLEAst dude is all yah i wish i could write the BEAT instead of the bleat like me, a real beat to the nik.

beatnik shit. hes my 3rd cousin, jack kerouac and i’m assuming totally, a hunch that the bleat might be coined from the term the beat, u know therefore he might like jack, am i right? doesnt matter, that guy couldnt hold my attention for more than fuuuuggin five seconds because well, thats how fast i think. being young and modern and hot and sexy and all that is hard for me on my brain and everything. u know welp. lets see. u also, call this blog of yours, on the basic fucking template that i had FIRST since ’99, u call it, if i had breasts you’d read me, thats the first thing that got me mad. thats the loop, full circle, the title of this little essay, if you will, monologue, i dont care. pay homage properly to who you fucking steal links from hits from whatever. im west coast and fuck you for not realising sooner, for not putting my anti in the top 5 men and me not at the top of the ward, those are your friends? online buddies. nope. those are your i want lots of hits put them at the top do it for hits mainstream 18 yr old greedy guts way like everyone. newsflash, blogs suck. theres a quote for bumper sticker ads. once celebrities have these things, they suck. google jim munroe. my ex boyfriend fucker his now wife. i found out about online journaling from the toronto star when i was like in grade 10 and he was talking about it and im basically saying, you gotta get a new way to get famous because it isnt all about blogs. it’s the tv box or a combination of the two or its books and words or being canadian (which by mtv terms, is so hot right now) or its canadians being silent and bitter and smarter and shit not caring, gentle calmed rage bitterness and than acceptance fore more races and stuff…better prepared. anyway i have a headache now, and yes, my brain hurts. it’s depleted of seratonin and all other fluids, i try and stay up as long as i canto convince myself of happiness and by the time i hit the pillow i have to be ready to sleep otherwise the act of lying there, is simply, the biggest most waste of my brain energy brain time. anti and i arent fucking. we are romancing much or any of that shit. my mum is driving us crazy. everything i say is true always and forever. its not all peaches n cream. my life is hard. so fuck you everyone. im hitting the ward next you fucking assholes. brainwash a nice boy like trevor, fuck you. i mean it. he is young and knows not what he sees because yeh, hes two years younger than me and anti is three years older there for, anti cancels you out on the fucking top five list and i dont even want to be on that list, or i do, it is irrelevent, this whole thing is to prove how smarter than everyone in the world i am or am not just by applying logis. i am only twenty. i have not gone to university. tho i went to south ucla of manhattan beach, to teach a room full of doctor-professors-students, just how much i wanted to think myself happy to get out of a psyche ward because yah, thinking evil things makes u feel evil and when people make so many mean comments to you or say things whatever, im basically an “online celebrity in a specific world” and fuck it, it made me smarter, meaner, bolder,dgdgrgre rightfully so, it saved me from myself all along. i am allowed to say anything i want. if you take it personally so much that you want to kill me like john lennon was killed, please know, that whatever it is that i said, im fucking not saying it directly outwards towards you, right at you personally, im probably generalizing, trying to do that bagism fagism shit, politically correcting, my un-pcness whatever, and yes, yes, i do have breasts and a vagina and maybe trevor if you changed yer template around a bit, or wrote for me, people would read you. yes you can write for me and be a guest on my show or some sort of lacky and also on tony’s show and mebbe ill think about having sex with younger boys, cause i am a cougar to you, and basically to anti kuz he has this thing for cougars and since i am an adult lady like firgure in public when i need to and want to be and a complete closet nymphomaniac who fakes being a slut all along wanting one person to beat the crap out of and hold hands with etc etc.

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