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rules because he draws all those paintings I post of hot half-naked girls and he also likes Hello Kitty and likes to complain about stuff and he rode a bicycle in Amsterdam and he is also in love with me and tells me how cool i am all the time.

I hate these girls but i love them so much. I want an empire, dude – magazine, video games, clothing line, crappy tv shows and movies and books and gahhhhh!

I fucking love laundry, no, not doing it, not rushing home to do it or worrying about doing it and then delaying it for weeks and weeks, I love it when it hangs all around my room on hooks and nails and doorknobs after F I N A L L Y doing it. And i like smelling the armpits of shirts that no longer smell like stank and also the crotches of pants that still smell like mysteriousness. I am so psyched to wear this shirt i haven’t worn since August to the Glad-fucking-stone tonite. Yep. it’s true. Karaoke.


RAYMI’S MOM on Positive/constructive Expressions of your Anger

-aknowleding and validating your anger

-physical activity while visualizing your anger being released and expelled

-visualizing positives

-journalling letter rutal music, self soothe

-rest and recoup

-state directly “I” vs you statements

-invitation to talk

-relaxation and deep breathing

-reconginze that your anger is telling you something



-talking to someone

-recongnizing the feelings under the anger

-hurt loss sadness non-acknowledgement



-time out

Things I can do with my anger


-drawing,painting,finger painting

-letter writing

-listening to music

-garden work

-snow shoveling

-being by water

-listening to relaxation tapes

-walking dog talking with pet


-be aware of what is happening in your body and what it needs

-counting to 10

-silent screaming


-20 minute workout

-pottery, breadmaking

-hammering nails into boards

-throwing stones in the water or a fence

-racquetball tennis sports

-pounding a pillow

-screaming (not at someone)

-spraying silly string

-heavy duty cleaning/scrubbing

She left out: punching people in the face, chainsmoking, sucking on bottles of scotch, setting things on fire, screaming at small animals and children and kicking dogs. Meh. Honest mistake.

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