On sunday (yesterday? hrrmm) at home hardware, i had to kall this other location and ask if they had the Sanyo soundsystem that wuz on sale in the flyer, but i kalled it a ‘ghettoBlaster’ insted of a ‘soundsystem’ and the grrl on the other line was like,
“Doii, wuzzA GheetoBlaster!?”
sheeet. stoopid sheltered girl. Don’t even remember the barbie and ken and their black chikk friend when they went b-boy style and each had their own ghettoBlasters. barbie’s wuz pink.
Monthly Archives: December 2000
Tomorrow is Ward’s b-day. Happy Birfday, ward!
Don’tcha just wanna take her over yer knee !
Oh yeah.
There that walking streak of sex is now.
(applaud. applaud).
shit. i eFfed up.
I keep wondering if i’m sad
because i’m pissed-off or if i’m
pissed-off because i’m sad.
I got in a pursefight in snr. kindeegarden and also a catfite in gr.9 on the last day at that wretched catholik highSkOOL.
A month ago at home hardware, i was opening this box and i guess i did it too fast cuz the edge of the flap slit my right wrist, diagonally. I had this awesome scar for two weeks. it’s gone now.