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when it Raymes it pours

Hey hey hey. So. My laptop is on the fritz, it works when it wants to work (kinda like me I guess haha sigh) and that in and of itself is uber muchos depressing enough but also my bf is gone and I won’t see him for a month depending on when we crack and prob get a flight ticket sooner who knows but it feels like a mega vortex of boring and sadness and not so badness but also mostly exhaustion and there’s other shit but whatever, I don’t think people really truly fully express themselves on the internet anymore and TMI isn’t the way I like to go about it I try to be all nimble and swift in my mysterious nature.

Just got off the phone with him, it’s like an endorphin injection. Actually still on phone trying to splice time at the mo and do both things. Our time zone difference is also hard. When I’m going to sleep he is waking up, or napping like right now we didn’t speak all day, it’s stressful?

Music is helpful at times like these but it’s just been real quiet what with my jammin youtube source taking a dirt nap. But now we’re back in action it’s fine til the next big catastrophe. I blame Breaking Bad. We went on a marathon. Netflix benders I’ve read about before.

Ok FTS I’m going to upload some NYC now. Peace brb I’m uploading a SICK video from the top of the Empire State building right now. I guess this is just to say hi I’m back TGIF.

I guess this is just to say hi I’m back TGIF.

Thrift Shop Aruba from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

Euro music driving at night from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

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