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Blond Jovi back together again

she challenges me, i inspire her.

casie nicked one of my feather earrings when i snuck up behind them on the other side of the beer boutique party fence so we were cyndi lauper. someone snarked to me oh didn’t you just like tweet those feather earrings, isn’t there another one? yeah and it’s on casie on the other side of the party. it let me know that she reads at least.

i guess my style bible this season is dazed and confused through and through.

many ladies came up and gushed over these shorts and i happily shared where they could get themselves their own pair see not everyone is harsh. sam (say hi to meika for me!) of notable relation said she was amazed by how in person i am nothing like raymi the minx, this alleged meanie. people love to character assassinate me. if you have to sit around talking and trashing me, it’s your character that sucks sorry to say.

queen liberty has arrived.

i had no clue what casie would be wearing. it goes like this HI. HI! bla bla etc so busy omg i know so am i ugh agh k so still going? yeah? ok what are you wearing? i dunno. yeah me either k see u there and then we’re both in short shorts. voila.

partying in a crew is wicked times.

the shorts contained two cups of beer on one piss. so they’re good for festival season. i don’t even know if i had an entire beer, my cup kept being drank by someone, teacher probably or whomever they all looked the same. kept disappearing, reappearing. i liked the muskoka beer.

why did we go to the lcbo to buy our beer before the hours were over? because i bet the beer boutique wouldn’t sell to us hahahahahh can you imagine after bringing down the house drunken wedding reception styles and then walking up all sweaty to a clerk, uh hi yeah, i’ll take a 12 of lakeport please (something trashy to go with the joke). no sale.

omg my calf muscles.

haha i look like i am checking into a hotel.

got to go home with the girl i hit on all night long. it was easy.

just whispered something sweet in her ear and she was insta-puddy.

i didn’t do under eyeliner lat night cos i was afraid of the allergy rain, which never came despite that crazy wind, and i looked prettier with less makeup so i think i am going to retire one of the two mascaras i glob on. raymisemo isn’t dead yet though so don’t worry pets.

now THAT is the muscle definition.

brock is our baby that we have been grooming, for what who knows but he better remember his grandmas and not eff up his future/life/career you hear that?

scatter order you know how it is. crazy week crazy blog.

carly has blond hair now!

oh casie. showed her my blog stats yesterday and she was like woooooah. we are going to paris and nicole this shit now son. i’m getting creepy nasty emails from people trying to cause a war between us. keep trying.

i was not very hungry last night, i’m stressed, yesterday was a bad day but i triumphed. not until our late night mcdonald’s stop. why is it when i eat fast food i get skinnay? new meal plan!

black bean empanada something or other.

it’s confusing to see stunning photographers right? like uh babe, you are on the wrong side of the camera.

there’s a major stupid feud in the blogto thread about this beer boutique launch that turned all ontario booze monopoly when hey guys, it’s just a new location in libertyf-ing-village be grateful and shut up. i am psyched about this store.

my little april was there hi cutie!

ooh i love this one.

tell me you don’t want these publicity stunt artists showin’ up all over your turf. – or talk to casie im going to let her start handling this shit meow.

everyone loves teacher. keri’s new do is so cute she looks like she just touched down from sweden.

i have my own wind machine.

one day we will be moms, but not today.

so keep on keepin’ on.

it’s neat to have two pics of one moment. why is everyone falling into themselves like lazy potatoes? i’m doing a crash posing course stat. it keeps coming up.


it’s a fly boutique alright.

all losers. ha i just remembered something funny i said last night about starting my blog, like, i’m funny in real life and fun and whatever so that’s great to this room full of losers i’m hanging around impressing, so maybe i should start a blog to impress MORE losers.

did i post this already or no it’s the other angle from that other one omg who cares just look at my ab def peeking out. that’s like after 4000 burgers somehow.

7 dollar pants on the scene. pretty girls.

on our way to eat fast food and send casie in a cab.

running out of time to get your own shirt cas. also get your intern to make u team raymi/team casie shirts. like that won’t blow up in my face and make me cry bwahahaa.

she showed me how to do push ups to define my triceps. not telling you.

i photobombed her. thank god no one says that anymore.

we made another quad blogger mirror video that is SO long. i will pour another cup of coffee and studiously take it in and decide whether or not it is suitable for public consumption.

i have a bruise on my right arm, the flower tat arm but looks like my left in this reverse photo, anyway, the bruise is from hopping a fence. because i am a ninja. a burger king ninja.

i am blogging face.

someone splurged on vic secret and an amazing bra. not i sir, not i.

practise shots setting up here. anther thing people do in photos is all hunch over like we’re hobbits in bilbo baggin’s house like, come on guys, full height please we don’t need perspectives like gandalf is fuckin showing up. we watched mitch hedburg last night too and i decided to emphasize my humour more which only showcases my writing and higher-intellectual abilities. the thing rob said about me to teacher was, “it’s her writing man” is what makes raymi special. i’m sorry i let ego and wanting to be prettier than i was intelligent get in the way, but now here we are.

half the secret to these beautifying snaps is natural lighting. stand in front of the window and it will erase your eyebags if done right.

reminds me of that shot of the two hot hipster babes flashing traffic on the BQE. (brooklyn queens expressway to the nerds reading).

teacher brought me home flowers.

lucky girl.

that is all for now. have a grand tuesday, maybe bump into you this week.

don’t forget i’ll be baking cakes with Carole’s Cheesecake this wednesday evening i have been looking forward to this for awhile. join us! then i’ll be dropping in unfashionably late to 99 sudbury for the nxne shit show kick off jam. a truly overwhelming week. but fun. thursday we get free converse shoes! and saturday i get to tag along with casie to that bhd gifting lounge i am FLOORED. greedy greedy greedy susan. i have zero idea what i am going to be doing for actual music though all the parties are getting up in my grill aghh email tell me what bands to see: bye-o.

4 thoughts on “Blond Jovi back together again

  1. I tried those white shorts with paint splotches on them at urban outfitters today. they are on sale for $19 now
    Didnt but them though
    and I had them on backwards with the zipper at back

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