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beauty currency

hello summer. heard you were back in town.

the vitamin dizzle today oh so enriching and helpful. some people got day time drunk today. not i sir, not i. seeing other people inneebs is enjoyable up to a point. i took the pooch for a long walk did a big circuit new stretch of town together it was fun. i don’t have to force myself into digging health and wellness as much it’s just natural now. you get into funny little self mind games to get through it. bit of arrogance. own it. own the strength and will power.

woah crinkle eyes. sun was in them and i’m not wearing makeup so not so bad hey if i was on survivor i wouldn’t look that rapscallion fraggle rock.

you are my sunshine.

this is after my long walk with stella.

whups a bit see through there.

having vanilla roobias tea, head a bit sweaty from my brisk walk therefore le hat. the wind up there you know.

teacher needs to clean up the roof.

i am putting my vote in for some nice loungers, hotel pool grade. mmhmm. bringing my tan back.

blah doye.

perma tired face though i gave good face earlier at easy.

pre mac is back in action. missed her.

she was all tanned too. her outfit was very orthodox wifey, black stockings in the sun, hair kerchief, yuh yuh my jam baby, j date hell ya. ha.

my stupid experience at easy, no, smug experience. ordered all sides. horriblest orderer i apologized profusely. grilled green tomatilles, sprout hot pepper salad minus the hot peppers and then a pile of leaves then a cup of olive oil. i left kind of fuming. meanwhile skid row degenerates teacher and pre mac are having hair of the dogs and there was a lot of giggling it was funny but then i cleansed wigged out and took off to advhaus on my own (i’m not wearing any underwear i have to go!) then collected weird pieces of clothing (the disorganization of my stuff right now is also making me crazy).

and first day of spring “needs” like will i be wearing the right clothing? just shut up and get out there basically. so nice and balmy right.

my hair was insane.

stella and i do a good clip. i might start running with her even.

emo tunnel.

it was sunny i swear it.


doot deet doot.

some real artists out there.

see? so retarded. i ate my green tomatoes before i could photograph them. ever lovely.

BUT! i didn’t feel logy afterward you know when you go for hangover brunch and then you’re all nappy and gross and baby sluggish whiny afterward? nope not i sir off i went, so light and free.

i looked like this.

i’ve dropped the ball on my nails at the moment. don’t have my girl products here like the extras so when they chip i just add weirdness. need to go see minx asap.

harry potter is terrible. so boring. so draggy. so dark. how is this enjoyable i asked myself between almost dozing out completely.

ugh meanwhile.

i can have sweet potato so had a bit of sweet pot from fresh. these onions are quinoa battered, which i can also have, and onions are good for me right now or everything, kill all bacteria jeanette says. already over quinoa by the way haha it looks so weird in the bag eh. like goosebumps. ew. i also had a salad, that’s miso gravy (yum) which i added to sweet potato soup today and vegan mayo. assume that is also fine by my dietary restrictions. i think health nuts are so strangleable though just going to throw that in there. i have a large glass jug of spring water on its way to me v soon too. yeah it’s very special water too. hahaa.

yesterday felt cuckoo bananas. everyday feels cuckoo bananas. parkdale is getting crazier cos of the warmth everyone is out and about.

sensory overload maybe? coming out of our winter nests.

might go to a show at the great hall, might not. might be good to stretch my legs though. i can always leave early if i get annoyed. which i will, then i will.

ok a new person just showed up have to be hosty now byeeee.

2 thoughts on “beauty currency

  1. aww you didn’t clarify what beauty currency is. how can someone use it to their advantage? i need feedback on this please and thank you.

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