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here’s how it went down in blackberry photos

this is my party statue hairdo from last night at the motion room happy i made it there safe and sound this snowy morning. oh how broken doll i am. i had a mini panic attack when i awoke at 6 in the morning, my brain starts whirring. i should probably stop writing about any sort of mental issue i presently experience as this is where mother shines and sends me loooooooong emails about the same stupid crap that just pisses me off even more. oh your doctor thinks you’re manic maybe that means you’re manic? you know why i’m manic? cos i’m a busy career person i don’t know one person who isn’t a nose to the grindstone perfectionist-striving mental case, sorry or actually i don’t want to know anyone who isn’t a grower right now. it would be nice to not have anxiety and it would also be nice not to have to be in a rat race too. i’ll relax when i’m dead ok.

we’re going backward in photos if that’s ok with you. here i am as a cab party statue isn’t that nice. my driver was v oldschool prayer beads and took me on a five dollars out of my way route and got away with it cos of the snow. fine. i don’t think he much approved of my tights either. praying while driving is kind of dangerous though, are you praying for a safe voyage? i know how those prayers could be answered STOP PRAYING WHILE DRIVING! i think i should start a raymitaxiblog blog because i have like, at least two new stories daily starring my money wasting chariot chauffeurs and then i’ll make a blog dedicated to starbucks baristas and their varying styles of service, conversation, nervousness levels interacting with yours truly. like there’s one sbucks i hit up after my workouts and i can’t for the life of me figure out how this one nervous slow old lady has this job because she’s borderline incapable of everything but oh so darling and lovable and i discovered the reason why they keep her around today. i love watching her take one entire minute to punch in my order and i love how it’s a different price every time and how i say my order in a very dyslexic way that screws her up even more she stares at the screen like a little owl through her coke bottle prescription glasses and punches in the choices very cautiously and says EVERYTHING out loud that she is skimming from the screen. it’s the best. one day if starbucks sponsors me i would be more than happy to churn out a fucking novel a month about my every visit to starbucks and people would read it too. while in starbucks, such is the machine and addiction of that scene. as long as i could just put it to press without having to edit it myself just here you go it’s gold all good! see, needs its own blog.

thank god for these specs. i am SO totally a business creative person and not a crust punk. well i might be that too.

went to a fitness party with april last night. i did chin ups on the cirque du soleil bar things. i waited out the head of reebok (karen cain of sports world april says, good one) because she said i couldn’t do them for safety reasons (drinking wine for one hahaha oh that’s right i did a gymnastic flip on it too lucky i didn’t land on my head) which i totally understood why but i was going to do it anyway. come on i am in a room of competitive fitness chicks i so have to throw down, lots of people staring nervously and lights and cameras you better believe i’m showing off my motion room chin up abilities on the highest rung too so it was obvious i was going for it every time i stepped near. took half an hour of distraction and twirling until i did one and then blammo.

instant fitness girl cluster surrounding your hero admiring my giraffe chinup hold, here come the cameras and the socialites ahhhh soak it all in baby. f influencer, i’m a moment maker. have a party and pay me to come make a moment, a happening. create atmosphere. i will never ever live down saying that to sex tv when i was 19. all my friends diiied in the next room. maybe if i had a handler back then or a publicist i’d be hanna flippin’ montana by now. that’d be pretty cool.

shit looked fun.

and sexy.

gimmicky? maybe. maybe not. i’m going to try a class. essentially it’s dancing and trapeze twirling. good for core and arms.

i was in love with myself all over the place in my get-up. spring uniform is being built. now that i am aging i have to start dressing like an adult just a little bit more and phase out some of the juvenile. don’t worry i’ll keep it raymbo brightstyles for sure don’t get scared now.

my hair was very churning butter/prairie girl i liked it and a big sloppy blob of black roots arrogantly was the prominent hair sculpture focus sticking out of my head. i was really proud of it in every professional photo taken of me, especially beside type A socialitey chicks. i don’t know why i feel like i need a boy scout badge of honour for being slob chic. i actually said to one in a fantastic kelly ripa sequin number HEY SOCIALITE come here now for a picture. owen get me those shots!

these highwaisters do a bit of a bulkier bell shape number on me in photos and flatten my ass. you know what seeing as i will be wearing short shorts for the majority of summer i’m going to invest in some nice ones. or maybe some genius will sponsor my ass. literally. think of how much blog coverage that’ll be. my prairie hair went with my cameo gold chain pearl necklace and my docs matched my purse and my belt matched the blue of my shirt and i felt a little bit like a skin. suspenders would have done the trick. and a face tattoo. ew. more like TATTEW.

ok fascinating there you go be right back with more stupid quips.

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