hi everyone.
i dont even read my own blog anymore.
i dont even do a lot of things anymore other than be angry and riding on my longboard and watering plants, telling off kids and throwing rocks at pylons and getting dive-bombed by a dad pigeon and holding a roman candle towards anti’s face. oh, dont forget suburban summertime explosions of fireworks and stuff etc etc happy home, homemaking life. i spend all my money at the same three stores and my hatred for pepsi and mcdonalds, the machine, grows stronger, daily. i hate advertisers. i enjoy ripping people off. ripping off brands. brand names. especially if they’re old, reputible, really rich, “popular” “in”, i dont care. i dont care i dont care. i like to tear apart my clothing and put it back together with scotch tape and socks and nail polish with sparkles. im fuckin hot and slammin and the only not knocked up bitch in this towne and ive had it. send helicopters over my head, send niggers over my back fence, the fbi down my throat and then hidden spy cameras in canadian versions of the sizzler, americanised, nicely, perfectly, preparedly for the bombs going to be dropping on yalls heads up in thayah so then you safely, quietly, drive your homes up over northern borders, then, tony blair goes, whups bush, sawry there, mate gotta go where the fresh waters are, some of yous can come too but in this ole monarch of britain (canada), they be de-criminalizing that weed so of course, them borders’s that yousa been wanting to a been crossing, yah see, yah see how mucha harder themma borders gonna be to pass?
it’s not cool to be american right now. – anti.