good thing/bad thing
i was just drinking some coke out of the bottle and the cap fell out of my hand and bounced off my second from the left little toe on my left foot and it actually fucking hurt. yes that’s right, a little plastic cap.
i was also attempting to swallow a vitamin D (cancer fighting power!) pill at the time (hence the coke chugging) and the pain startled me into swallowing the pill effortlessly in lieu of pill swallowing limbo i am typically stuck in where i stand there with my arms out trying to grasp at invisible tables (? i know) and the ratio of saliva to liquid in my mouth to direction of the sun and silence in the room etc must be just so before i have the courage to gulp it all down.
i over think shit, basically.
hello much?
i had issues learning to swallow pills as a kid. true embarrassing story. there is nothing more disgusting than a tablespoon of OJ and some mystery white powder mixture floating around in your mouth.