I ate the worst ever, Egg salad sandwich this morning. What was moreso worse about it wuz that i had to eat it in 2 minutes, between union station and college.
Uggh. I didn’t realize it tasted so rank until I swallowed it all down. It must’ve had a spoonful of curry in it.
I bought it frum this chinese vendor guy. His wife was there reading a book. When her friend came up ( i assume they were frendz cuz they spoke to one-another in chingLish [half english, half chinese] ).
Their conversashun went sumthing like this:
“Oi, sum tai gi woo, chin gruzz-wahhh Bagel gella CremCheese Oke, doIken awwww waaa.”
“ahh dollar tWentee..meeee sooomach sssing buttalay.”
Oh, har har, I slay me!