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fil POSING as usual with MY hat.

and here we learn just how anal gillian is, who sets a table at 4 in the morning when you’re blasted out of your mind and people are on their way out the door?

here i am having a no pants party by myself.

seriously i got my pants off but everything else i cannot fathom.

next morning, what happened? ok back to party.

remember this guy? apparently my mom accidentally threw these socks in the bag along with five-thousand of the same grandma sweaters she handed-down to me, half of which i brought to gill’s party. my mom asked if i liked any of them, dear mom, you have huge cannons i do not therefore you buy large-sized sweaters, i do not, in fact, i look like a sexless potato with a hunchback when i wear them, stop buying these sweaters and stop giving them to me, you have a problem. these socks were meant for my niece.

i finally cleaned the mirror yesterday (not shown here) fil and i’s mexican stand-off ended and he didn’t even know we were having one ugg MEN! i just caught him “soaking” a pan and exfuckingploded.

yeah yeah blah bla i have skinny legs lets look at them together.

that’s original. fil recently learned that he is 6’4, so he grew an inch. BONER! i like to say that he has a tumour on his pituitary gland like all those really tall people have on the tlc freaks of nature shows. one time he and aimee and i were walking along and he tried to pull the haha you’re short thing on me and asked if i felt left out and tiny i said no, i feel average-height. backfire!


fancy food guilt.

total princess.

i busted britt in a lie she said that dvd just came out and it was difficult to get, my dad already has it and apparently i watched it with him before.

goldfinger guy was crouch-kneeling for a long time and didn’t complain once wtf?

meanwhile brad and i are perched on an ottoman together and i kept telling him to watch it on the snacks, giving skinny people complexes is fun(ny).

hipster ‘cubes?

someone actually asked in my comments what the significance of the map and flags are, seriously, do you want to tell them for me? (not being mean here just sayin’)

stop showin’ me up chinadoll!

nice stoner art you made there gill.

hey are you going to joke night at the drake? ok i’ll catch you at stone’s place later on then, word!

tiffany kept telling me how funny i am all night long so then i couldn’t turn it off GOD!

cliquey girls that talked to me for zero seconds. i left jonathan with them on my way out for a smoke and yelled out to them to ask him why he was wearing sandals so as i was putting on my jacket and hat he is like you fucking bitch pointing at me while getting into story-telling mode for these ladies who were all baked too haha.

i was making my gymnasium floor joke for the thousandth-time on my way out of the bedroom with my coat and cigarette and then extrapolated from that by pretending there were lockers to my left and then i see the girl party and said and then you have your clique of girls and jonathan tried to get me in trouble for it but it of course blew up in his nerd-target face so he had to stand up and talk to them all by himself, halfway through his pathetic diet pepsi black toe story the music turned off ahahahahahahAHAHAHA.

k now pose.


stop flirting.

stop telling people you are annexing my hat it’s not going to happen.

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