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shut up peacock


Euros sure do love their raves, they invented them! I’m going to a festival soon probs. Psyched! Bucket list.

It’s saddening I can’t dance how I want to or am capable of how I used to dance. Lots of improvising. Have my last foot appt today. Bumped into doctor on Queen’s day he was wearing an orange sweater.

I dance with this lovely old fart for a bit, he was super wasted. There was an old guy dancing also super wasted on the other side of the square too, quite possibly on e and from the art school bf’s sis said aka INCREDIBLE. This one however, told me I was the most beautiful woman there and my bf could be proud because of that. People wish us well all over the place, they tilt their heads like the bird lady from Home Alone 2. Baha.

Uploading more videos now kay bye, hi and goodnight, good morning everyone else.

We didn’t want to pay for tickets for that rave and partying in this square was just as fine plus free, an experience to be had and I am glad we went.

Yesterday morning’s walk.

6 thoughts on “shut up peacock

  1. that rave vid gave me so many butterflies in my stomach. seriously, i had a physical reaction. wow.

  2. What made you choose Mick Jagger?

    His daughter Georgia has an amazing mix of Mick and Jerry, what a unique model she as made.
    Didn’t you steal his sons artwork at Oxford?

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