in the face MINGER POET and boner s. thompson!
halloween party video. “that’s not stairs that’s a room!” i am a smart guy.
this one guy who was dressed as a minger said he was a poet after he said finding a chick with black hair is like finding gold at the bottom of lake erie then i laughed at him for saying he was a poet and said the jack kerouac speech and he talked shit about kerouac so i put my hand in his face and told him to blow tony cos they both love bukowski. calling yourself a poet is like saying you ride hot air balloons, living in a dream world my friend. you’re not a poet until you are dead, before that you’re just unemployed.
tony, disgusting as usual.
T2 was ralphing in the sink when the pizza arrived, i still chowed.
the one in the white maiden dress was hitting on fil as we left and he kissed me (chad told him to cos hesaid he hadn’t seen us kiss once since he arrived) and she goes oh did you just start dating or what like right now we just started dating? what does it matter he is with me, so i said no three years so you can just stop it right now and fil went LAUREN! then i scolded him all the way home about how i finally said something and it was a social battle i won and he should never ever EVER fucking correct me again when i am giving a girl the whatfor about flirting with him in front me. previously in the other room she was like uh hey you are leaving there was more people here before like desperate for conversation fodder and i was invisible, yeah we know there were more people here before we were here for hours lady.
hunter s. boner, i was pretty close to making out with the purple wig chick.