thuper fanz
ARE hipsters dead? And why am I posing like that? I shall be exploring the former question a little bit. That is my plan. This was my xmas party dinner outfit from a week ago about. Girls, well women really, complimented it periodically throughout the night. Sometimes a new unfamiliar dress can make you derail off your a-game plus the pantyhose and the new un-worked shoes plus three course meal stomach.
Not me though, as previously mentioned, I Pantsed it up.
And I ate a dinosaur so good thing I had my Danny Devito suspenders on too like an eating-jumpsuit. #Winning.
OH I have instagram now did you know? I need a new phone to actually use it though. Thanks for the screen shot bro.
I have my own photo filter format called food that I eat grease covering the lens, positively spell-binding.
I just remembered all the hot sauce I drank last night. Yes. Suicide at that. If I’m not going to commit it for real I may as well devour it. #tastelessjokes #Forevs.
Eating this after a work out. umm girls.
After that special shake you have too? This week we ate nothing and dispersed so that’s good progress. Tonight I’m taking them to a wine tasting with apps and I swear it will be my ultimate last bad girl eating drinking things I shouldn’t forte of the season. Salads and chicken only from here on out. And no carbs. Which will make me ultra bitchy and no more chocolate either. Sugar crash mood swings oh boy!!! STOKED. lol ha.
That spiced Bacardi was very delicious. Just wait til you see the next incoming booze package I’m being sent. The world is trying to tell me something.
Rocky rocking out.
Five dollar apps appropes. Finally hit this fish market resto in the naybes. Five dollar wine too. See you there soon.
Before we saw Flight. We had escargot and calamari too. Great bang for buck.
Stove faucet!
Lana the boy cat. Kind of eviladorablah.
Late night pasta #thisiswhyimfat.
Rodarte Sbucks mugs so fashionisty. Anything that blurs out the logo I am down for. I have self-guilt over giving money to the states over Canada aka Second Cup. I mean I may as well shop at Wal*Mart. -barf-.
It’s not that warm out bro.
Whenst friends with a yupster afterwork drinks dinner goes something like this. We call that BRINGINGTON. Foxtails are #$%^&& amazing.
Good thing I take pictures of myself before I leave the house!
I don’t take pictures anymore. I broke my camera the day of the grey cup on the way to it. Hashtag LOSER. Plus everyone makes fun of me when I pull out my blackberry. LUckily for my brother who just got one for work I am about to look very f-ing smart to at least one person pretty soon! So the moral of the story is I don’t take pictures anymore as a protest to the world. I might start using mystery camera again.
Please PLEASE don’t say no more pictures! I love your blog & photos. Not really into food that much but I like the pics! I always start drooling looking at them! I check your website daily, multiple times actually waiting for a new post! I don’t know what it is, it’s kind of like reading your diary you accidentally left out on the table,
Guess I’m a nosy SOB like that 
U appear to be drifting. Conscious unconsciousness is an excellent trick for bringing on lucidity. I’m not sure. my text input app wrote the latter half of that sentence.
At every occasion u should be ready for a funeral.
What’s that on the ham steaks?
Dude, that monkey was hilarious!
Gah, I’m all hungry and shit now!