These boots were made for stalking

Tuesday I texted Princess LoLo, “Bored. Movie?” Which resulted in 48 hours of adventures. Best time. We saw Flight and it’s amazing I might “review it” like I used to, spoilers and all before I forget the details. It’s basically one long anti-boozing campaign that makes you wanna drink like a fish and then beat yourself up about it. See my new boots? They are basically all I can think about now. Lo wanted to find over-the-knee black suede boots but you can’t find them in Cana-duh, or if you can they be steep mang. So we both got a pair for vurry vurry cheap in Buffalo and now your girl is a woman soon.
The falls. After Macy’s we went gambling after a few rounds of the buffet.
Tried on a few pairs, all lovely in style and taste but I settled on these Guess ones cos they seemed the most durable for winter and kicking someone’s face in *just in case* and my ankles feel more supported. I have heel fear big time at times but these don’t feel like heels, just giant stacks? We worked them in really good walking around the casino lemme tell ya.
Is your mantle made of gingerbread? Mine either.
Okay we’ll try. Don’t want to spoil my almighty buffet appetite.
Walden Galleria is a great mall so many many things, dresses, glorious. Love the visitor discount us Canucks get too.
The clerk here knew we were out of towners on account of our accents, what accent bro??? We didn’t have to show our ID to prove it when Lo bought an Iphone case.
If I was in more of a shopping (for more) mood I’d have gotten a couple shirts that stood out to me and now of course I have regrets. I need to upgrade my wardrobe out of slob-territory. Help me out brands please
Mom’s jeals.
Blurry sorry but yeah tons and tons of glitzy little dresses, we died.
Best score ever. I like them rolled down or up.
In the buffet line-up.
“lolz” as they (I) say.
When we decided to get our gamble on I was all worried I didn’t have appropes casino attire but Lo reminded me of how everyone dresses there AKA like garbage sadness so I was pretty much in a ballgown comparatively.
I was like this looks fun wait no it’s not, gingerbread houses are stressful and make you bitchy. The candy borders would be the fun part, the decorating.
I love gingerbread ah lak it ah lot. Gingerbread lattes from sbucks that’ll sort me out just fine, great for the ol metabolism if you know what I’m saying.
After this post I’ll try not to overkill blog it with the boots kay.
I WILL TRY. No promises.
Glitz everywhere! Tis the season.
Raymi Barbie, no problem.
She’s going back for those next week.
Lo got these ones, they were my other choice, it was close.
This one paid out nicely, thanks guys! Have to start thinking of my next topic. I have some ideas.
Party indeed. We went out for dinner before the movie on Tuesday, you’ll have to wait for all that crap later though cos I got tings ta do.
You don’t even want to know what my first plate looked like. I LOVE YOU BYE.
Great photos, great boots
Those are the sexiest boots ever ever. I think though, it might be because you are wearing them
Must be a real bitch to tuck those into your pants
The crumb catchers on top cut like a knife.
Did u visit the states?
hope you bought those red and white barbie glasses, suit you very much.
Those boots are all I think about too…well, you in them that is!
The Raymi Barbie look is killler, K I L L E R!