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Rhythm Nation method

I don’t know where to begin or end it doesn’t really matter anyway my friend. I’ll tell ya I was pretty stoked on half price oysters I was and I look this awesome cos we just worked out. Gym clothes are acceptable slob outfits to wear for ladies who lunch.

A mix of three kinds. Waitress tripped over the enunciations of them I mocked her and was all, what? From Chimmy Chonga? Who cares seriously. Well I do, I like to think I know a thing or two about things or two.

LoLo surprisingly never had an oyster before. Wasn’t down. More for me.

This arrived in the morning, one of the pints smashed en route no biggie. It’s great with apple cider or PBE.

The girls train weekly and now I’m getting roped in to it. I need to though so I’m game. I am so sore today. I run and do free weights but obviously haven’t used a significant portion of my muscles lately as I feel like I was hit by a cement truck today pushed by the incredible hulk. (I watched the avengers last night).

Lunges are what killed me. Lunge hatred. But I got through three sets, back and forth total of six times. Should have seen me trying to walk down the stairs after all this while the gals laughed at me from above.


I recall my thrice-weekly training days. I was eating like crazy around that time too and drinking thinking the workouts would cover my fine dining ass. Wrong. It’s diet, always. You need to eat right.

It was so lovely out yesterday too. It’s raining out here now so I think the nice weather is done, is it still balmy? (it is).

Plank ah gad. My posture is horrible.

Darrin is awesome.

I am psyched to get my arms toned.

Go mom.

Sigh. This pose is stupid.

What’s with the glamour shots effect filter mom? I need a tan.

If someone orders Marlborough tell them it’s $14 a 6oz glass next time jeez. I enjoyed it all the same, I know going in that Marlborough is pricier but blindly hoped that it just, wouldn’t be? haha. WRONG.

Darrin and the girls are major gossips and of course I’ve heard all of my mom’s stories already before I am drowning in it. Dating stories are the best though everyone just loves to know the scoop. Not mine though I don’t date. #boring. These women don’t call it dating though they call it meet & greets and they go for 15 minute coffee “meetings” which blows my mind with boring and turn-off but whatever I get it I suppose.

That’s my new friend and karaoke is the best. Rare Raymaoke vortex shots.

This guy wants to date but I dunno he seems kinda insane.

When in Rome.

Sunday, had a lovely visit with me Nan’ and Papa. Trimmed the tree, did our laundry (hey where is my turtleneck!?) and had roast.

HUGE NEWS. Papa got a cellphone. There I am trying to figure it out like a nice sweetiepie granddaughter ought while suppressing my short fuse. My family is endearingly dysfunctional to say the least.

Nana was a sweetheart to me. This time mom got the gears.

I was pretty hungover from Saturday’s work xmas party I went as my old friend’s +1 it was pretty fun and I danced my brains out. #Raymiac.

I know Papa loves his crackers but not that much.

Seeing all my clothes on Hailey is fun too I get to look at myself kind of? It also reinforces all my past fashion choices. Some of the things she wears of mine I’m like woah decent one bro!

I love that tree.

Everyone took turns being uber-lazy and then getting nagged but then I discovered that I had authority so got to boss Hailey in to doing more so I could have a few sits. Holy crap I am getting old.

Nana the cute.

Just go with it.

There ya go haha.

This reminds me now we gotta get my dad’s up.

Pretty girl, good genes.

Good job us.

This mouse is historical. You hear the story of it every year. I gave it to my Nana when I was four. Break time okay bye!

14 thoughts on “Rhythm Nation method

  1. what a good lookin’ bunch. best smiles on the internet. & happy 12 years of rad. i can’t believe (YES I CAN) that i have been reading this blog consistently for over 10. 17 year old me thought you were cool, 27 year old me knows it. much love and peace raymi.

  2. you are so very lucky to have both your grandparents in your life. They’re so cute. I would do anything to have my grandpas back for Christmas.

  3. Hey Raymi, you look amazing in those photos at your Nana and Papa’s…just had to say. The one with you and your Papa is especially cute. I’ve got a super soft-spot for women who look good relaxed at home – Homey? Knitting a toque or stewing sweetly over some stew. lol. Curled up on the couch reading. Slippers are a must! ;-)
    No makeup? No problem. You crazy.

  4. Wow Raymi! those lunges are working wonderfully! I’ve told you in the past that if your ass would be just a bit more fuller, and stick out more, you would be perfect! I do believe your almost there! Keep it up!

  5. thank you for saying such nice things readers. Enjoy the ongoing reality show.

    So are you coming back for the next workout? I out planked you all three times and then we ate at plank.

  6. I’m with you on lunges. HATE. I’ve been so lazy lately and must get my bum in gear.

    Your family looks super fun and cute. I love holiday times with the family.

  7. You’ve put Janet Jackson’s song in my head. I loved the choreography in her music videos. (sigh) ANYWAY, I really love the string of pearls on the Christmas tree & the snowflake earrings, GAH! You make them look good. i like your family posts. Everyone is so pretty.

    Happy blog-birthday again, by the way!

    Also, I know I didn’t meet you while I was living in Toronto but now that I’ve moved away, I miss you (???) /end awkward comment

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