jamie and deborah are going to come here in october over thanksgiving weekend cartwheel!
i liked georgia rule and cried at the end get it to see lindsay’s outfits and slutty business it’s kind of alright in a bad way fil pretended to hate it the whole time to cover up the liking it.
we went to whole foods after shawarmas to get cheese and i saw that one girl working i blogged about once who was at the bedford talking shit about all of her co-workers so coming down the escalator i made a i recognize her face and started talking to fil and she saw it then we went through her lane anyway to pay and i could feel the politeness-lie oozing from her, she looks like one of those jolly roly poly types that you truly believe to be nice and kind cos they spend loads of time acting for you but then you overhear how nasty they are at the bedford after they have had a few drinks and you want to slam their face into the bar cos the leafs are winning and she is hogging the airspace with straight-dissing everybody cos she’s an insecure loser.
the british cheese i chose was kind of well meh and it is so valency‘s fault we got cheese to begin with. do whole foods let you smaple cheeses? i was too shy to ask.
remind me to tell you about what some woman said about my boots in the gladstone bathroom.