i can’t draw hands.
Phil: hello?
me: hello?
Phil: i said: ha ha you’re awake
me: oh haha on me
Phil: yes
nah na nah
me: aerheht
Phil: ?
me: ewqoity4w;ohelifd
thats what it means
Phil: oh right
i like when you get up with me
me: yes i know
Phil: hugs
me: ew
Phil: hahahahahahahahah
me: yes
cid is mental
in a time out
Phil: i took him for a sniffing tour of the hallway before i left
that probably got him going
me: totally thanks
he almost bit my fucking face
and he knocked your stepcounter to the floor, normally its the dental floss
Phil: hahaha
me: last nite he almost attacked me too i had to keep my eye on him and also pretend to be really nice and pet him until he laid down on my arm
i am trapped in an abusive relationship
Phil: after i passed out i assume
me: just as you fell asleep
i feel like j.lo in monster in law