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saw land of talk last nite and before that cloud cult played and had a little painting jam slam on the stage and this one guy said they ripped off that idea from some other band that used to do it over ten years ago, i thought that’s funny that’s like saying you ripped off my wearing hats idea.

wendi was the only smart person to join us.

i like it when someone from the audience catcalls something they think is funny but so isn’t and you can tell it is their first time at a show in a long time and the band has to go along with what they say and everyone feels embarrassed.

i had to use a hair elastic to tie my shirt up higher around my neck, it’s too big and rests just at my nipples and they shake out too easy you care.

the other one sold first for 150 though i think this one is better but i just noticed the antennae so dock ten coolness points – the other one wins despite the jetson’s hypnotize swirls for pupils. this one sold too.

ghostender go back to the shining!

how you know nerds hang here.

leg warmers are fine i wear them all the time but those rave moon boots are not cool i don’t care how much ecstasy you’ve done in the past get out of here.

totally judging the scene i love it.

yeah i don’t know why i do it either.

ever since wendi told me about red carpet smiling it has ruined me. lips closed, teeth parted. mental.

leviride is now defunct and we nabbed their drummer, andrew, for our new band not yet named.

then we took a cab home and shared a small lovely bag of zesty cheese doritos.

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