september 2006 archives continued. can’t wait ’til i am doing this next year and it takes my blog twenty times longer to load and my computer crashes sets on fire explodes.
overheard at the argos game.
stop thinking that i look good like that.
what are you even trying to convince me of?
lie with me review.
i think i am spending too much time alone.
oh shut up i could have been meaner.
ps. my skinny pants turned out good.
love amber.
what do it ever produce that isn’t?
pretty smart for a dyke.
i have to practise unbitchy things to say.
that shit 17-20 yr olds play off as “confidence”
go away i’m not home.
dance like a total whore no matter what.
steve’s wedding. do you want to buy my dress?
i’m trying to make it look like i am doing important work.
lucky number slevin review.
v for vendetta review.
wow how prophetic pfft.
haha banana avenue.
there has been zero progress made on that thing.
don’t double dong them.
bringing back the caption.
Bye dear, laura.
i woke up with weed hair.
blog party when i was fat.
my niece is cuter than yours.
i made that in grade 6.
we cum on your table.