this video features my double chin and i call fil a fuckhead cos he slams on the breaks as i attempt to serenade him with an elvis song, then i scream that he ruined my life, my hair is extremely greasy and i am not wearing any make-up cos we were on our way to go swimming. why does youtube make all my videos ugly?
lesbians i put up some new videos.
when you have barely anthing on your menu way to go and burn the apps.
dip and suck edamame one point for the name, no points for the shitty.
chicken curry roti fil and i shared, so good, this nite it was lacking a bit on the filler though.
sammy had the pad thai.
i know, i’m as shocked as you are, drinking water, nursed just one glass of red.
stefan is taking these, another shock, he usually lectures me long and hard when i bust out the camera. “Stefan was the first Canadian actor to use the word “fuck” on Canadian primetime television” -taken from wikipedia.
still working on it.
then they went to neutral with kenny and we went to the ‘shoe.
wendi’s “friend” heh.
she’s so thrilled, this says it all, it was awesome watching him being asked to leave and tried to figure out exactly why. oh i dunno maybe it has something to do with DRINKING THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
wendi is really into kitten paws.