organic lesbo lunch from noah’s, those things are awesome, the pre-made meals.
mere moments before our near-miss airbag exploding collision, the rest of the ride to the ‘burbs was on-edge, you know heart-racing adrenaline shakes.
i wonder if that hole has closed yet.
nice nosefuzz.
when i was a kid and everyone at school made fun of my big nose i used to look at it in the mirror a lot from this angle to console myself, i thought it looked smaller and if everyone else could just notice my nose from this angle they would shut the hell up.
there’s this great place in burlington i forget the name of, i totally comfort-consumed all day long sunday, period + stress = food booze city.
got that for my dad, brother and i ate the majority of it, hi here is a present that i am going to eat, you’re welcome.
also got him these to put up those retard me and brother pictures on his fridge.
stink-eye is a very important part of my family it is the glue that binds us.
dad and brother both had one of these i had a salad and mooched off this, there is another layer of roast beef under the one with all the gravy on it.
mom’s cougar purse i don’t have to rip on anymore cos everyone else does now i am extending the opportunity to you guys, passing on the love.
so tired here and annoyed and trying to get my drink-on to obliterate my mind while mom is nag nag blah blah blah.
wasabi chicken salad, really very good though i had garlic indigestion bloated stomach for several hours afterward and could still taste it in my mouth. that red thing i don’t know what it is, edible, tasteless garbage garnish wow burlington jack astor’s you’re so out there.
my brother and dad basically make fun of me about EVERYTHING i wear, and constantly too.
it was comped off the bill. the chicken was burned so they tried to cover-up/compensate for it by dumping loads of creamy gorgonzola barf cheese all over the place and you’re also supposed to put on bacon vinaigrette, it was disgusting, way too many flavours going on, i didn’t even bother ordering something else it killed my appetite that bad. it should be taken off the menu, maybe tomorrow afternoon if i’m bored i’ll email head office a long piece of my mind note and maybe get some free shit out of it.
the service was terrible as well. i shoulda known, the “fun” play on words DIXIE CHICKEN AND SPINACH is a big red flag.
barf. they don’t even have a website.