i am smirking like an imp because this dude is all up in fil’s space telling him how to take pictures and he just wouldn’t shut the fuck up or detect that he was annoying the shit out of us. i think he was on blow and he was partying in the break your heart dive next door.
after the ours show, which was amazing, best show since datarock. i will tell you a story after i get some caffeine, about a passive aggressive nerd girl.
a street dude was giggling uncontrollably lying sideways on a vent with his elbow propping him up behind fil when he was taking this then this street woman goes over to him laughing too hunched over cackling. nice.
i swear this is a fucking nerd magnet band, but i don’t care, if you like and swoon over jeff buckley you will like this guy.
if anyone cares this is what i use to make coffee everyday because i am living in the dark ages and i boil water over a fire in the park. then i let it simmer, do its thing for a bit, press the shit down, then put it in the fridge when it is cooled off enough and drink it the next day with ice and milk who wouldn’t want to marry me?
then i look on from the kitchen and washing dishes with a little girl as fil plays battleship with some boy.
and everyone is happy.