free hit counter

ok i am just going to fill my blog up with garbage for the next little while i have been feeling pretty garbage about it lately, my hits go down in the summer a bit and it makes me doubt my amazing prose.

here we go hang on to your magic carpets

so yesterday WAS sober nite a scary shadow of bitchy overcomes us when we know it is sober nite and we take turns rippin’ on each other and then getting defensive, it’s funny in the vein that it is predictible.

the issue of last nite’s restaurant vs. grocery shopping vs. takeout vs. fil’s macaroni was pretty awesome in it’s magnitude of i don’t know, shit.

i was so incredibly deranged from stavation that i decided to get a slize of pizza at pizza pizza and fil was going to have the other half of the slice, fine, then we would grocery shop/rent movie then go home and eat more of our purchases, watch hell’s kitchen, rented movie, bedtime.

so i am waiting in front of the pizzas for the little lady to finish ignoring us so i can tell her what kind of pie i want, we wait 2 minutes while she passes the time putting together one of those salads but she KNOWS we are there waiting she is totally being passive-aggressive and fil knows i am about to flip my lid i ask him to say something and a stampede of people come in behind us, we are still being ignored so then she saunters over finally and i point to the exact slice i want, not any slice, THE slice, and she grabs any old one she wants while looking at fil and waiting for him to point to a pizza and he just kinda does nothing and she asks him again with her face and i bark NO NOT THAT ONE THAT ONE cos she is still fussing with the wrong slice, totally ignored my request, totally ignoring me, totally MAKING ME LOSE MY FUCKING MIND on top of making us wait for two minutes for nothing.

i bet the majority of break-ins, school-shootings, and stabbings, are carried out by hungry people.

i am too angry now to write about anything else way to go me for blogging this. tonite we are getting blitzed and eating fajitas so there will be no arguments.

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