so i did not buy a red dress yesterday, but i did find a nice red shirt that looks like a mumu peasant type thing might be a bit too big but i think when it shrinks we’ll be cool. i also got two other black shirts. i brought my dad greek food for dinner and lucky i did cos the shit he was suppose to have smelled rotten. my mom and i get along better now, it’s nice.
we are going to see peter bjorn and john tonite. it’s sold out. i am too uncreative to make this brag more flowery.
i am jonesing for a day-trip to st. jacobs to spy on mennonites. who’s with me? the first time i went there with my mom and dad i didn’t know what mennonites were, i thought they were actors? you know, pilgrim re-enactment something, and as we were leaving the town in our car i was like hey those actors are leaving too where are they going to a secret place to change out of their black clothes? and my parents had to explain to me the entire ride home about them and i am like NOW LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? THEY CHOOSE TO LIVE WITHOUT ELECTRICITY? I DON’T BELIEVE YOU WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM OMG!!1 etc.
who ate what?
i DID find it strange that some would make eye-contact with me, like, people in a play looking at you in the audience, then it made sense when i realised oh shit these dudes are real. i was 10 prolly, go easy.
maybe i will be a mennonite for halloween.
i am craving sloppy hamburgers and greasy breakfasts i must be pre-menstrual hurray.
I just wanted to chime in here since I am totally blind.
I really hate it when some disabled people give the rest of us a bad name. I am not trying to kiss ass here but you are absolutely right. If I bump into someone I apologize and genuinely feel bad. Just because I can’t see someone doesn’t mean I feel it’s my right to run into them. I appreciate it when they pay attention enough not to run into me but it works both ways and if I run into someone I am not going to get all pissy about it, I’ll apologize.
I make sure to ask about my surroundings and don’t just whip open doors and expect everyone to cater to me. A lot of us want to be treated the same as everyone else so I think it’s stupid to think that we shouldn’t get as much shit as anyone else when we are not paying attention.
Blind people actually get a lot of perks — including discounts at the movies, riding the train or bus etc… — and they are nice, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think that I should be held unaccountable for things due to my disability. In college when I was late handing in an assignment and got zero, I didn’t bitch because I am blind and omg it just takes me longer.
I am rambling though. My point is that as blind people we shouldn’t feel like the world owes us and we should just get on with things and try to be treated as normal as anyone else so that means we need to be called on shit when we’re acting stupid. Being blind isn’t an excuse for being inconsiderate so hopefully this one ass face who wasn’t paying attention doesn’t sour everyone reading this: Blind people aren’t all like that, honest!
Marc Rocheleau
marc, you slay, some turd said you shouldn’t write shit like this, to me, in the comments and i deleted it, some turd who ISN’T blind. meanwhile a fucking cool ass blind dude shows up and backs me. too bad i deleted the comment. i wasn’t even railing against blind people just the blind person’s helper.
also, telling me to censor myself on my blog, or even in general, who are you america? what am i huck finn?