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Now what Raymi the Minx thinks!

Hiya pals.


I like the smell in the bathroom of Habits, it’s of wood.

Parondez moi?

Adorablah right. It’s cheesy but whatever, my Little Raymis love me and I love them too. Buy me something stupid and I will wear it. Fact.

I’m having carpaccio next week. Stamped it. That’s how it’s made too! Zing.

Woodland Mushroom pasta for Woodland nymph that’s me. Maybe I’ll proceed on to my true calling of nymph cosplay, yeah? YEAH! What bitches hate elves? None.

Fried Oyster big fan here. I am looking forward to eating one of your friends next week. Fuck if I were an oyster I’d want to be put out of my misery, some are like straight up hocked loogies (sorry I know haha) and you’d wanna be that for life? Please, do me up gloriously and lay me out to lunch. That is an example of stand-up which has to be extremely offensive. Has to.

I’m making a kissy duck face at this picture right now.

Hot photographer walking. Sitting at my table, eating, from my plate drinking all my draaaanks. Welcome with open arms I’m an Alyssa fan!

Had a bang-up time. The girls thought we were going again yesterday, no no NEXT Thursday.

I caught you a delicious Bass! No really they did. I picked up its head, half spine up and tweedled it back and forth for Teacher with my fork and knife and started singing HELLO MY BABY HELLO MA HONEY HELLO MY RAG TIME GAAAAAAAAL then the neck snapped off and it went PLOP on to the plate. Yes I died laughing, Teacher was disgusted.

So dark. Hollandaise sauce, the steak mooed.

What is this Dark Shadows? It is now muthf-a!

What does not kill you only makes you stronger. Like food invented to kill you.

Designer straws. I drink coffee with a straw to protect my teeth as much as possible. I was torn between easter spring tones or these EMO looking things. I so love that everything in Ikea matches and we already had the candles in the cart plus black straws are cool for when you’re feeling Darth Vader or depressed. They’re half clear and solid block. Okay that is enough about my straws.

No just kidding. The purple one matched my juice drowned in vodka soda water. We were pre-gaming for The MES party ya mon time for some M.J. on this fri-day it’s a gorgeous one out there and I’m going to mellow yellow it so I don’t get freaked out about hostessing this weekend. I am excited and happy for it but a perfectionist when it comes to these things.

I look reedeekulous here haha but I kinda dig it?

I like the slanted mirrors for short peeps and peeps in wheelchairs, cos then you can go like this! I guess if I am looking up at it then I am short too? pfft! FT!

Went for a drink and a super late lunch with ang before he caught his train back to mtl.

Peace Rocketeer.

Kitchen wasn’t open at Brassaii yet so wee went here. Nice irish fries. I ate them like a raccoon and got drunk off 3/4 of a pint of beer. Tubulaaaar bro.

Nail model!

Pant hole watch 2012. I’m going to sew a trucker patch over it like hippies do with their pants.

I wiped out on my longboard wearing these and the knees didn’t even rip, they’re solid except for the mega hole which I believe begun from hiking them up all the time cos I’ve stretched them out and you know, it happens I guess.

He tried to convince me to add blue and I thought about Laura from ANTM who is ANNOYING but I think he meant baby blue or popsicle blue. No, I am already turning into Animal from the Muppets plus Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind. However, colour is in right now. I just want to go more vibrant red if anything. Clifford red. BRB with more.

5 thoughts on “Now what Raymi the Minx thinks!

  1. “like food designed to kill you” lol.

    have you tried the cheese burger spring rolls at Susur? Had them last night. Holy fuck.

    Your nail polish makes me happy

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