A rayme in the life
Hi there welcome to two’s company.
That’s a chopstick don’t worry I figured it out.
There’s two of them. Okay once you are done looking over there look at me, take a load off.
Hey duuuuuuudes far out man, yeah maaa-an.
So-rry “my so called life.” I never watched that show but it is referenced to death. I don’t like depressing things because it’s not escapism to me. If people want to romanticize how shitty teenage life is GO FOR IT.
Lickity lick lick.
Oh, that’s why. Hi I am four is this where the dress-up tea party is?
I think there was a longest toe competition going on at one point too? You can see Bech’s garbage truck leg scar. She is not over that shit bro.
Bech removed her hair from out of her “bun nut” no wait, just NUT and made a big deal about it I was like yeah yeah yeah yeah. pew pew pewp pewpepewppew that’s what the girls do, it is one of their “bonding things” we have an entire catalogue of stupid vocabulary that is both mockable and adorablah. Only envious people mock. I asked teacher if people were going to make fun of us when I showed him this. Don’t answer that it’s a trap!
Cool pit sweats bro.
That’s Damien’s grandpa. Balling. I want a photograph tat too. Get it? Yes, you’re so smart.
Bleep bloop.
PeeWee Herman has always been my idol, since kindergarden, I just got uber wrapped with being super fucking cool there for a little bit. It’s good to be home. I am practicing my interview responses.
Shawing! Party on Wayne.
Whoops blurry the others ones are for private eyes only jajaja.
It’s 3:25 do you know where the party is? Actually time to go bro.
I just gotta finish this one up.
This is my Robin Hood pose, right? I am always right. Go look at puss n boots even it’s the classic hero of the people pose. Steal it if you dare.
Longest toe!
Time of your life party girl pose!
I’ll make this one teenier to lessen the effect. Our socks are matching, yep, shorts to shirt, good contrast girl bro.
Best friend of the universe face: That is a shitty idea.
Um kay.
You need to start watching ANTM Rebecca. This one is amazing but I’d like to see some broken doll out of you.
My camera skills are pretty bad too, two wrongs make a right I guess.
That’s my move bro. They mock this one aka LOVE IT. When I start pulling that one out it means party pants is ready to dance. This jam is now in sesh!
Of the ten songs we play over and over again which one is this you think? I have no idea.
There’s my bubble blobber butt! Them pink pants def bring it out even when blurry. Hey I’m a sasquatch, all those pics are always blurry yeah right guys totally you saw big foot. RIGHT. She was wearing pink pants!
How was I supposed to know there would be water in that paint jar? It’s like a museum there that never changes, anyway it didn’t do any damage and your painting just became more valuable if anything you should be thanking me for this.
Okay if I am headbanging then we are listening to…???
Deet deet deet deet deet DEET DEET DEET DEET DEET DEET! deet dee deet deet deet DEET DEET DEET DEET! I don’t even know what fucking song I am singing right now anyway I am off on something else altogether nevermind!
This will go into my EVERYTHING HERE RULES section of the #secretproject for sure. night night Leila. Did you know that this girl and I met when I was 19 on a lezbo date at the reverb (I was on one with another older chick #player #stud that’s tight brah) for a corpus show and I was also dating the spaniard. Corpus smashed a fluorescent light tube on his head during his show it was the most insane thing that I have ever been a part of and then this leila girl with a weird accenty voice comes out of the crowd and we hung out it was neat and now ten years later we are friends again. But through bech, who coincidentally has banged or dated or knows lots of people I know/used to know. Toronto is a small town. Shit like facebook ruins everything though, you can add a person and then see everyone you have in common and then if it’s a bizarre obscure person no one else has connected to them THEN you know so much more about that person you just friended, can kill or cure things right. Also bonus points in this photo go to chi chi no no.
Time to shower bro FTS!
In the third photo from the bottom I am soo deeply intensely captivated by whatever stupid song we were headbanging to.
Mmmmmmm so in to it. cant get enough of it. somebody hit me. jaja
I ate watermellon wilson.
byebye wilson we talked about him here https://twitter.com/#!/raymitheminx/status/193848391632031744/photo/1
you guys all have such nice hair
Bwahaha lickity lick lick. I like that pic.
That painting looks great!
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8008/7102809407_24fd92dc2c_z.jpg haha
thanks! maybe?
you make me really want to wear pink jeans.
You don’t know until you wear them or see them worn how important it is to wear pink jeans.
Did you friend paint those paintings on the wall? I really like the one with the buildings and the blue truck.
Not those ones I don’t think but I will ask her.
My poppa painted that one
What about the one Raymi is painting on? Beautiful!
Very nice, and thanks for the feedback.