we finished watching stranger than fiction last nite i only cried once. emma thompson is my favourite she plays a good neurotic recluse something i fully identify with though i am not hunchbacked and stuttering, yet. fil and i decided that maggie gyllenhaal is not going to be pretty the older she gets i am depressed about this because i LOVE her. that’s what you get for having a last name i have to google spellcheck everytime i put it in my fucking blog and of course will ferrell is magical and endearing and funny even when he doesn’t mean to be he is pretty good at breaking your heart too with that red sweater and collared shirt sticking out and when he plays the guitar and sings with his eyes closed and maggie gyllenhaal goes into a make-out frenzy with him.
i told fil that girls are easy all you have to do is close your eyes with a guitar in your lap (no one else can be there though we don’t like people seeing our emo-boner weaknesses) and strum a bunch of chords and sing our name or sing about horses and sad things like losing your favourite socks and we will open up our checkbooks and pay your rent.
queen latifah is in it too she plays emma thompson’s assistant at first i was like OH BOY QUEEN LATIFAH but she was good at not being all EXCUSE ME I AM QUEEN LATIFAH IN CASE ANYONE FORGOT but looking at her you know it is right there under the surface so close to seeping out.
and i love dustin hoffman LOVE. he leant a i heart huckabees vibe to stranger than fiction oh right duh cos he was the coincidence detective in i heart huckabees THE MOST OBNOXIOUS PRETENTIOUS TRY-HARD NOT FUNNY MOVIE EVER and in stranger than fiction he is the therapist who helps will ferrell with his narration-head-stalker holy shit I am a detective i totally linked these two movies together and no one else did. why are they similar? cos both things do not exist or are possible, some woman’s voice in your head? coincidence detective? fuck. you are all delusional desperate fags if you can get into i heart huckabees why not just watch lord of the rings if you want magic and make-believe?
it is good i am the last person to see it so what i say doesn’t even matter anyway.