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1. rememeber that they are most certainly ugly, only ugly people have time to berrate and nag at you, blog author whom provides them with FREE and regular entertainment, so don’t forget to remind them that they are ugly, you might want to begin your retort with YOU are UGLY then rip apart their comment and follow it up with reminding them they are ugly. if they are going to take the time to tell a complete stranger “like it is” then you may as well stoop to their level and point out the fact that they are ugly and bitter and hate themselves and are just jeeeealous and old, have no friends or life, style, intrigue, nothing to offer and don’t have a significant other and probably never will and if they by chance DO have one it is likely someone just as shitty as they are who ignores them and so they are taking it all out on some person on the other side of the world who writes on their personal blog what the fuck? FUCK OFF.

2. FLAMERS ARE SITTING DUCKS. they sit there, waiting for you to update and while they are waiting they are reading your blogroll or comments and visitting those blogs as well giving your peeps a piece of their mind. flamers feel like they are helping you and that your blog is a cry for help and only they have the knowledge and ability to fix your life like you fucking asked them to or something. they are unable to recognize that they aren’t wanted OR…

3. they get it into their minds that you will shun them so they do the pre-shunning, you know dudes who think you will dump them eventually so they beat you to it and break up with you first? yeah stupid shit like that except you and the flamer aren’t even dating. they stop by your blog and decide I HATE THIS BLOG typically cos it reeks of superiority and coolitude and they can’t mesh with it so they go to town with giving opinions.

4. a flamer is like that annoying girl who thinks she is in control of her group of friends, gives out psycho-babble “advice” when it wasn’t asked for, and eventually this person is found with having NO FRIENDS so they go to blogs to make up for it and they still feel the need to “give advice” so they seek out blogs of people who might come across as sincere yet vulnerable and they think HEY THIS PERSON IS ASKING FOR MY HELP I MUST HELP THEM. the fact that someone is blogging to begin with is a sign of fearlessness therefore a positive step hence DOESN’T NEED HELP. it’s the people who DON’T blog ie FLAMERS, they are the ones in trouble, doi, they are the ones lashing out anonymously to people who have made themselves visible and available because flamers do not have the courage to make themselves visible hence commenting as ANONYMOUS. they rightly assume that they will be flamed right back if they reveal their identities so they stay hidden. sad, really.

5. they want attention badly and they feel the only attention they can get is negative, by bashing you. you know that “funny” guy whose whole deal is making fun of other people to get a laugh, incapable of making a real joke, this guy is a would-be flamer, everyone hates this guy.

the only way to deal with these fucks is to take away their microphone, block them ban them delete them, i know it is very hard to ignore and not fight back, if you thrive off of arguing like i do, don’t let it carry on forever cos it takes away from your creative energy. would you tolerate this treatment to your face? of course not. would this puny turd have the balls to treat you like this in real life? absofuckinglutely NOT. don’t forget that.

your flamer would never be out at a bar cos they are social cowards, they wait for you to come home and moderate their comments, they wait for you to go out and do the something that they are not doing themselves, they wait for you to blog about it so they can write a bullshit comment about it and take all the focus and attention away, fuck them, seriously. they are the annoying fourth cousin at christmastime who clearly sucks. they are the bitter lady in a cubicle who feels like no one gets her cos there is nothing to get cos all she ever gives is bitterness and it’s the world’s fault not hers. flamers have nothing to offer ever and they feed off of those who DO. if it wasn’t for you they wouldn’t have anything to do or think about so they should be thanking you and not be dicks all the time.

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