I can’t remember where it was published but I used to forward the link to all my gf’s. They loved it as much as I did and I’m glad to have found you here.
I plan to get Marketable Depresssion, I know what you mean about how it’s been used to target people in advertising etc etc etc.
I have bouts with the big D myself, it was trendy for a while now its a pain in the ass.. Anyway your words have brought me great amusement…
Thanks for that.
PS- What about a compilation, you published anything like that?
dear raymi,
gratuitous applause
congratulations on the INTERNATIONAL blog award dealy-bomb.
it’s well deserved. because you don’t suck.
damn good stuff, i say.
me and mine love your blog with the heat of a thousand burning celebrities at sassafraz.
-ben sandwich.