merkley???: you are totally gonna win
thanks entirely to me
and my amazing campaign management
me: do u know how many people are taking credit
um how about i win cos i write the blog that all you fucks are reading
merkley???: but i’m the only one who is right
i dont read your blog
me: how many people go to your blog
merkley???: i skim
me: yeah right
merkley???: 10k per day on my flickr
me: yeah blog
not flickr
merkley???: how many visit your flickr?
oh maybe 2
3 people
me: dude it is not a flickr awards contest
merkley???: anyway
you can just thank me instead of being a boner
me: i blogged before i even knew about you and then once i knew about you i hated you cos you were a dick
merkley???: liar
thats you
well you remember u said something and i took it totally seriously
merkley???: yeah what was with that shit
me: well it was likely during a time when i didnt moderate and so everyone was flaming me cos they are pathetic fucks
merkley???: you were tony peircing out
me: so everyone who said something even remotely negative i flew off the handle over it
merkley???: you never said anything to me
me: someone today said my stomache was larger than life and i should stop eating boogers
merkley???: ha ha
thats kinda funny
me: wtf no it isnt it’s the way i am standing in the mirror
merkley???: oh
me: um no its not it ruined my day u fuck
merkley???: well
out of context its a funny comment
but yeah
me: anyway the point is people daily need to say something to bring me down
merkley???: i hate that when commenters are purposely trying to piss on your party
i get that once a week on flickr
me: yeah like wake up watch tv say something mean to raymi go to work etc etc
merkley???: some jealous photographer that cant deal with all the positive coments
me: we are talking about me right now merkley
merkley???: “Do it for the victims of Hurrican Katrina.”
ha ha
funny comment
dude you look hot
shut up
me: ok
yeah i was going to do a post about all the charities that would benefit from my weblogs victory
but i dont know any
cos i am selfish
i am basically my own charity
merkley???: so are you aids or breast cancer or an orphanage?
pick one
me: runaway teens i am
merkley???: addicted to robitussin
gluesniffer relief dot org
here’s you:
for every vote i receive i will sniff a huff of glue for a runaway
me: i am the families affected by jonestown society