free hit counter

I don’t hate Raymi. I don’t love her either. I’m more or less ambivalent. I am just kind of interested that someone who is “the best Canadian blogger” is one who is barely able to string two sentences together in a literate form worthy of the English language. She calls it streaming consciousness. I call it mental diarrhea. Taste is a preference. I haven’t bookmarked her.

Given that blogging is about writing, it’s curious that our best “writer” utilizes the style of immense font size, a hatred of capitalization, and so many images on her front page that you need a broadband connection and a lot of free time and RAM to load them all.

Tits for hits is apt, but not the whole story. She is genuinely unique, interesting, and funny. She’s even darkly attractive in the narcissistic way she photographs herself from ever more erect-nipple flattering poses. Sometimes she is so crude that she is almost endearing in her Bukowski-esque vileness that is both alluring and repelling. Alluring in the way that one might stop to check out a provocative poster. Repelling in the way one might turn off a pair of speakers uttering Death Metal.

She is who she is. I’m not going to hate on her. Do your thing, girl. I aint mad at cha.

-adrian macnair

taken from the ongoing raymi is an asshole what shows her tits forum.


SNAKES ON A PLANE early auditions

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